Column 4 Flashcards
acou- (acoustic)
hearing (acoustic)
af- (affection)
toward (affection)
anti- (antishoplifting)
opposed, prevent, inhibit (antishoplifting)
arach- (arachnoid)
spider, spider web (arachnoid)
arbor- (arboreal)
tree (arboreal)
aud- (audio)
hearing (audio)
bi- (bilingual)
two (bilingual)
cerebr(o) (cerebrospinal)
brain (cerebrospinal)
chrom- (chrome spectrum)
color (chrome spectrum)
contra- (contrast)
against, opposite (contrast)
cort- (cortex)
bark (cortex)
crypt- (cryptograms)
hidden (cryptograms)
de- (desensitization)
undoing, reversal (desensitization)
dendr- (dendrite)
tree, bush (dendrite)
diplo- (diploduble)
double (diploduble)
-dips (hydradips)
thirst (hydradips)
-dynia (dyain)
pain (dyain)
edem- (edematoid)
swelling (edematoid)
enceph- (encephalitis)
brain (encephalitis)`
-esthesia (anesthesia)
nervous sensation (anesthesia)
-fer (transfer)
to carry (transfer)
-form (transform)
structure, shape (transform)
gust- (tasteful)
taste (tasteful)
hemi- (half sphere)
half (half sphere)
homeo- (stay home)
unchanged 9(stay home)
-ia (pneumonia)
condition (pneumonia)
lacri- (tear glands)
tears (tear glands)
lymph- (lymphatic)
water (lymphatic)
meningo- (mem)
membrane (mem)
neuro- (nervy science)
nerve (nervy science)
oculo- (oculeye)
eye (oculeye)
olfact- (old factory smell)
smell (old factory smell)
-opia (photopia)
of the eye (photopia)
opt- (optician)
eye, vision (optician)
peri- (perimeter)
around (perimeter)
phago- (fear or sallowing)
eat (fear of sallowing)
-plegia, -plegic (paraplegia)
rhin(o)- (rhino horn)
nose (rhino horn)
-stasis (status)
at a standstill