Colors of Oral Pathology Part 1 Flashcards
True or False: “Normal” color is race and location dependent
What are some reasons for white intraoral leisons?
Thickened epithelial covering, decreased vascularity, increased collagen
What are some reasons for red intraoral lesions?
Thinner epithelium, increased vascularity, or a dissolution of the collagen content of the subepithelial tissue
What are some reasons for blue intraoral lesions?
Venous blood collection, tyndall effect, medications
What are some reasons for black intraoral lesions?
Melanin from melanocytes, heavy metals
What are some reasons for brown intraoral lesions?
Melanin, hemosiderin (breakdown of Hemoglobin in phagocytes)
What are some reasons for yellow intraoral lesions?
Adipose tissue, sebaceous material, pus
What are the most common abnormal colors found in the oral cavity from most common to least common?
White Red Black Blue Yellow
What is the first thing to do with a white lesion?
Try to wipe it off
What are some white lesions that can be rubbed off?
Materia alba White coated tongue Burn Allergy Pseudomembranous candidiasis
What are some white lesions that cannot be wiped off?
Leukoplakia Morsicatio buccarum/linguarum/labiarum Tobacco pouch keratosis Verrucous carcinoma Lichen planus Nicotine stomatitis Oral hairy leukoplakia Linea alba Leukoedema
What is the “go to” treatment for lichen planus?
Clobetasol proprionate 0.05% gel aka Temovate
Disp: 15 or 30 gram tube
Sig: Dry the affected area and gently apply a thin amount bid-tid
High potency
What is another treatment for lichen planus, if the patient has the lesion everywhere in their mouth?
Dexamethosone elixir 0.5 mg/5 ml aka Decadron
Disp: 12-16 oz
Sig: rinse with 1 tsp. for 2 minutes bid-qid and expectorate
What is another gel of moderate potency that can be used for lichen planus?
Fluocinonide 0.05% gel aka Lidex
Disp: 15 or 30 grams
Sig: Dry the affected area and gently apply a thing amount tid-qid
What can be used to treat recurrent aphthous ulcers?
Aphthasol, Dexamethosone, Temovate, Lidex