Colors of Oral Path Flashcards
What is normal dependent on?
- Race dependent
- Location dependent
- Pink!
what is the “normal” pink caused by?
- epithelium is semi-transparent/pale white
2. extensive capillary bed beneath show through = pink
What is the darker red vestibular mucosa/FOM mucosa caused by?
nearness of vascularity to the surface
What causes the lighter pink on hard palate and attached gingiva?
increased thickness of overlying epithelium
DX: an intraoral white plaque that does NOT rub off and can not be identified as any well known entity
TX: When in doubt cut it out. Remove obvious frictional causes, biopsy after two weeks
- alveolar ridge = frictional keratosis from denture
5 white lesions that CAN be scraped, rubbed or pulled off
- Materia Alba
- white coated tongue
- burn (thermal, chemical, cotton roll)
- pseudomembranous candidiasis
- toothpaste or mouthwash overdose
White coated Tongue
Tx: tongue scraping or brushing
Pseudomembranous Candidiasis
TX: antifungal prescription
Nystatin (Mycostatin)
Clotrimazole (Mycelex)
Nystatin/trianicinolone acetonide ointment (Mycolog II)
Bilateral on buccal mucosa at occlusal plane from friction, sucking
Linea Alba “white line”
Tx: no treatment
Bilaterally present in 70-90% of Blacks; diffuse grayish-white milky opalescent appearance
Tx: no treatment is necessary
make sure that disappears when the cheek is stretched
Caused by reverse smoking. Heat causes salivary gland orifices to open = red dots
Nicotine Stomatitis
soft, fissured gray-white lesion of the mucosa located in the area of chronic snuff placement
Usually young males, gingival recession and root caries
Tobacco Pouch Keratosis (smokeless tobacco pouch, snuff pouch, spit tobacco keratosis)
Tx: cessation of “dipping” and then need to check again. try and plug around to different sites. If doesn’t go away then BIOPSY.
- can progress from dysplasia to verrucous carcinoma
most common lesion Caused by EBV in AIDS pts
In patients with HIV and AIDS
Sign of sever immune depression and advanced disease
White mucosal plaque that doesn’t rub off
Lateral border of tongue
Oral Hairy Leukoplakia
tx: treat AIDS
Whickham Striae
2 forms erosive and reticular
Chronic muco-cutaneous disease
4 Ps: Purple, pruritic, polygonal, papules
saw tooth rete ridge, band like lymphocyte inflitration
Lichen Planus
Treatment: Steroids (Temovate, decadron, lidex .05% ointment or gel)
biopsy erosive anywhere, maybe reticular on gingiva/tongue
Nikolsky Test: air/water syringe positive = pemphigus vulgaris, mucous membrane pemphigoid
What are the 4 levels of Leukoplakia?
- Normal
- Hyperkeratosis
- Epithelial Dysplasia
- invasive squamous cell Carcinoma
localized bony protuberance arising from the cortical plate
Torus Palatinus/Mandibularis
Tx: None unless,
1. repeated trauma and ulceration usually removed at patient’s request
2. preprosthetic surgery before complete or partial denture construction
most common: lips, tongue, buccal mucosa
1-2 lesions, .5-1 cm in diameter
Etiology: different things in different ppl –> autoimmunes, hypersensitivity, stress (THEORY)
Recurrent Apthous Ulcerations (major, minor, herpetiform)
TX: avoid food if that is causing the hypersensitivity
unique form of chronic traumatic ulceration with deep pseudoinvasive inflammatory process and slow to resolve
TUGSE: traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia
TX.: incisional biopsy
inflammatory process that arises withing the tissues, surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth
accumulation of acute inflammatory cells at the apex of a nonvital tooth
periodontal abscess
Most common benign neoplasm of the oral cavity on buccal mucosa > labial mucosa > tongue> gingiva
Reactive hyperplasia of fibrous connective tissue in response to local irritation or trauma
tx: surgical excision
Ectopic sebacceous glands on buccal mucosa and then lips
Fordyce Granules
No treatment
benign proliferation of blood vessels
10-12% children
clinically blanches under pressure
10-12% children
Syndromes: SturgeWeber Angiomatosis
Tx: surgery, laser, embolization,
clinical observation, removal, sclerotherapy
Benign proliferation of squamous epithelium (HPV 6 & 11) on tongue > soft palate
Tx: surgical excision
variations of papilloma
Verruca vulgaris,
Condyloma Acuminatum,
Focal Epithelial Hyperplasia,
Sinonasal papilloma
Focal inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia at the flange of an ill fitting denture
Single or multiple folds of tissue in the vestibule
Epulis Fissuratum
TX: surgical excision with relining or remaking of the denture
superficial dilated veins not associated with HTN or cardiopulmonary disease
Most common sublingual
Varicosities (sulingual varix)
Tx: NONE, unless solitary varicosities on the lips or buccal mucosa because of thrombus formation or esthetics
numerous grooves or fissure on the dorsal tongue, 2-6 mm deep with unknown cause (possibly hereditary)
Fissured Tongue
Tx: brush the tongue
Inflammatory condition: asymptomatic with rare cases of sensitivity to hot or spicy foods
Geographic Tongue
Tx: None unless symptomatic and then use magic mouthwash
denture papillomatosis: reactive tissue growth that develops under a denture
in patients with ill fitting denture, poor denture hygiene and wearing denture 24 hrs a day
Papillary Hyperplasia
tx: surgical excision (scapel, electro-cryo-laser surgery) then reline or remake of the denture
possible antifungal tx…??
Initial exposure of HSV 1/2 between 6 mos- 5 years of age
Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis
Labialis, intraoral recurrent, whitlow, keratoconjuctivitis
Recurrent Herpetic Infections
dx: serology, virus isolation, biopsy, cytology
Herpes Treatment
Acyclovir 5% ointment (zorivax), 15 gm tube apply 5x daily with finger at first symptom
Acyclovir 200 mg capsules. dispense 50 and take 1 cap 5x daily
Start during prodromal stages
rupture and spillage of saliva into the soft tissue related to trauma
MC in lower lip
Mucocele (Ranula in FOM)
TX; surgical excision along with the feeder gland