Color Questions Flashcards
What are DQs of Barred?
Red or Yellow in any section, two or more solid black or white in primaries, secondaries or main tail.
Birchen, how much positive white is a DQ?
More than one appearance of more than 1/2 inch of positive white.
What are DQs of black plumage?
Any foreign color other than black or white, more than one appearance of more than 1/2 inch of white in any section, except for the appearance of gray in the undercolor
What is a defect of black plumage?
Purple sheen or barring
What is a DQ in BBR?
Any white in any section of the female.
What is a DQ in Black Tailed Buff?
White or red plumage in any section of plumage
What is a DQ in Black Tailed Red?
One or more white feathers in any section of plumage
What is a DQ in Blue?
Red, yellow, orange or positive white in any section
What are the DQs of Blue Red?
Females with surface of back, shoulders, fronts, bows, and converts that are solid blue with stippled lacing
What is the DQs of Brassy Back?
More than one appearance of more than 1/2 inch of positive white in any section of plumage.
What is the DQs of Brown Red Plumage?
More than one appearance of more than 1/2 inch of positive white in any section
What are the DQs of Buff Plumage?
Positive solid white or red in any section of plumage.
What are the DQs of the colored feathers of Buff and White Columbian plumage?
One or more black, brown or red feather on the surface of the back or breast, dark spots or messiness in the surface of the back or saddle appearing in approximately 15 percent of the feathers in this section, except narrow black stripes extending not over two thirds the length of the feather in saddle and near tail of male or dark markings in cape of either sex, red or white feathers in any section of plumage.
What are the DQs of Dark Brown?
Positive white in main tail feathers, sickles or secondaries.
What are the DQs of Ginger Red?
White in any section of plumage.
What are the DQs of Golden?
Positive white in main or sickle feathers
What is a defect in Lakenvelder plumage?
White or gray lacing in the saddle, hackle and tail coverts, brown or mossy surface in black sections
What is a DQ in lemon blue?
More than one appearance of more than 1/2 inch of positive white in any section of plumage.
What is a DQ of light plumage?
Any color other than white or black?
What is a DQ of light plumage?
Positive white in main tail feathers, sickles or secondaries
What are DQs in the Millie Fleur bearded and feather legged varieties?
Two or more solid white feathers in any section of plumage
What are the DQs of the Partridge color?
Positive white in the main tail, sickles, or secondaries and shanks other than yellow or dusky yellow.
What are the DQs of the Porcelin color?
Two or more solid white, black or red feathers in any section
What are the DQs of Red plumage?
One or more white feathers showing on the surface color, two or more solid black feathers in any one of the main tail or secondaries and tail more than 1/3 black.
What are DQs of Self-blue?
Red, yellow, orange or positive white in any section of plumage.
What are DQs of silver plumage?
Positive white in main tail or sickle feathers.
What are the DQs in Silver Duckwing?
Positive white in main tail or sickles.
What are the DQs of the silver blue plumage?
More than one appearance of more than 1/2 inch of positive white in any section other there where specified in lacing.
What are the DQs of Spangled?
Solid white feathers in any section of plumage, except the wings and/or head where three or more white feathers shall disqualify
What are the DQs of Speckled plumage?
Solid white feathers showing in any section of plumage.
What are the DQs of Splash plumage?
Any appearance of rust in plumage or more than 50 blue in plumage.
What is the difference between Wheaton and BBR Males?
Brighter more flashy or showy appearance, the lighter orange neck and saddle
What are the DQs of white
Feather of any other color, except in Rock where pepper is only a defect.
What is Daw eyed?
Pearl in color
What is a gullet and what breed has it?
Loose part of the mandible where is resembles as miniature beard of feathers and is found on the cochin
What is grizzled?
Gray in the flights of an otherwise black batam
What are the defects of barred as in butter cup?
Excessively large spangling, varying shades of buff in females, lack of spangling in females, spangling extending into outer edge of feather
What are defects of barred as in golden and silver penciled Hamburgs?
Mealy or mossy plumage, indistinct and/or irregular penciling, failure of penciling in various sections of plumage.
What are defects of the Birchen pattern?
Brassiness of the surface color on males, absence or excessive lacing, shafting in the breast or body feathers, black cap on head.
What are defects of Black Breasted Red as in Malay and Shamo?
Mealiness of surface color, smut and ticking in plumage, frosty or Mooney breast lacing in females.
What are Vermiculated feathers?
Wormlike in design with irregular lines or impressions like work tracks
What are defects of Black Breasted Red as in Cubalaya?
Frosty or Mooney breast lacing in females, mealiness in surface color of females, smut and/or ticking
What are the defects of Black Breasted Red as in Modern Games?
Frosty or Mooney lacing in male or females, incorrect color of face, legs and toes, penciling and or vermiculation in female back, body, shoulders, front, bows and coverts of female.
What are defects of Black Tailed White?
Creamy or brassy in any section, white undercolor, striping in male saddle or hackle, broken lacing in male sickles and coverts, or female coverts, striping in female sickles
What are defects of Brassy Back?
Excess light fluff at base of tail, purple sheen or barring, absence of brassy shafting in back of female
What are defects in Brown Red?
Absence or excessive lacing, shafting in breast or body feathers, black cap on head
What are defects of Blue?
Surface feathers not laced in darker shade, black in various sections
What are defects of Dark Brown?
Gray or white in any except disqualifying sections, tendency toward penciling in female, red shafting and licking in sickles and coverts of males, frosty or Mooney lacing in breast of females, sooty appearance in breast of female, black stripping extending to point of feather in hackle, back and saddle.
What are the defects of Ginger Red?
Frosty or Mooney lacing in the breast of females, striping in hackle and saddles of males, sooty appearance in breast of females.
In light brown color, the female back, body and shoulders should be what?
Stippled over the entire surface right out to the edge of the feather.
What is the mottling ration of in Cochin female?
Head: 1 in 3
Back: 1 in 2
Breast, body and thighs: 1 in 2
What is the mottling ratio in the Cochin male?
Head: 1 in 3
Back: 1 in 4
Neck, saddle, breast, body and lower thigh: 1 in 2
Describe mottling pattern
Black plumage predominating. Ideal white tip should be from 1/4 to 3/8 long and v-shaped.
No male partridge colored bird should be given first place if what?
If 10% of the breast feathers are other than black.
Describe the spangle feather marking
V-shaped white spangle and a narrow black bar dividing the white from the rest of the feather. Sometimes diamond shaped.