Color in HSL Flashcards
What does a Hue of 60° represent
A hue of 60° would represent Yellow
What would a Hue of 120° represent
A hue of 120° would represent Green.
What does a Hue of 180° represent?
A hue of 180° represents Cyan
What does a Hue of 240° represent?
A hue of 240° represents Blue.
What does a Hue of 300° represent?
A hue of 300° represents Purple
What does a Hue of 0° or 360° represent?
A hue of 0° or 360° represents Red
What would setting the lightness of a color to 100% do?
This would produce White.
How could we produce a black color using HSL?
Setting the Lightness to 0% would produce black
What would a Saturation value of 0% produce in HSL colors?
0% Saturation would produce a grey color is HSL.
How could we control Transparency with HSL?
By using HSLA - we can set the Alpha channel, or Transparency, of a color.
What is the syntax of an HSLA color declaration?
hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)