Colonialism in Dutch Indonesia Flashcards
The idea where Europeans were obliged to civilise less developed countries such as the SEA countries.
White Man’s Burden
Crops grown for trade and profit rather than subsistence.
Cash crops
Common language used by the Dutch and locals which was originally used by Malay traders.
It originated from failed attempts at promoting Dutch as common language in Indonesia.
Bahasa Melayu (later changed to Bahasa Indonesia)
Plural society
A society composed of different ethnic groups or cultural traditions.
Urbanisation is the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities. Urbanisation occurs because people move from rural areas (countryside) to urban areas (towns and cities) – for e.g. Batavia, Yogyakarta, Surabaya. This usually occurs when a country is still developing.
Western-educated elites
Some locals/natives (usually from aristocratic families) had the opportunity to pursue a western education either through Dutch school in Indonesia (more created for children of Dutch officials) or even be sent to Amsterdam. As a result, they receive a different kind of education and return with western perspectives of democracy and equality.
The Hogere Burgerschool
The Hogere Burgerschool or HBS was a secondary school type in the Netherlands and the Dutch Empire existing between 1863 and 1974.
School for Training Native Administrators (Opleiding School Voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren)
School for Training Native Doctors (School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen)
Creation of smallholdings
With industrialization developing rapidly, many Javanese saw business opportunities. Some of them created smallholdings which grow and collect rubbers. This is also a form of change in livelihood.
To further consolidate Dutch authority in Indonesia, a __________ is appointed and works under the supervision of the __________.
Regent (bupatis), Resident
The old name of Jakarta
Jayakarta, Djakarta, Batavia (1619)
The unified Germany (1871) annexed this place and resulted in an intensification in the race for colonies in Southeast Asia
German New Guinea
This British company was increasing influence in Sarawak in 1800s and threatened Dutch interest in the region
British North Borneo Company
This global phenomenon/process increased demand for raw materials, which led to interests in Southeast Asia
This system was implemented by the Dutch in Java and forced natives to plant cash crops and sell them back to the Dutch at fixed prices. It was also a harsh system that was exploitative.
Culture System, Cultivation System or Cultuurstelsel
Johannes van den Bosch
The person behind the Culture System.
This policy was in response to the Culture System; it allowed the removal of forced cultivation
Liberal Policy (1870-1901)
Ethical Policy (1901-1942)
This was implemented as Dutch lawyers and activists fought to reverse the impacts of the Culture System”. It acknowledge the ‘debt of honour’ it owed to the Dutch East Indies.
What were the three focus areas of the Ethical Policy to better the lives of natives?
Irrigation, Transmigration, Education
The tribe from Borneo that the Dutch perceived as ‘backwards’
In traditional Javanese society, a class that comprised the elite in contrast to the masses, or “little people” (wong cilik).
priyayis (often descendants of the royal family)
The Dutch ‘Short Declaration’
The Short Declaration was a three-point contract, drafted by Snouck Hurgronje (see below) in 1898. It stipulated the sovereignty of the Indies government, forbade indigenous rulers from having international contacts and required strict obedience of Indies government regulations. It basically forced local rulers to accept the authority of the Dutch.
Provision in 1916 to allow local representation in politics and to allow democratisation of Indonesia. The power of the Volksraad was limited as it only had advisory powers. Although part of the council was elected only a small proportion of the population had voting rights.
Eventually it became a platform for nationalist leaders to air their views to win independence.