Colonial American Literature Flashcards
John Smith - Best Known Work
Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles
William Bradford - Best Known Work
History of Plymouth Plantation
John Winthrop - Best known Work
History of New England
Increase Mather - Best Known Work
An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences
Cotton Mather - Best Known Work
Magnalia Christi Americana: The Ecclesiastical History of New England from its First Planting
Thomas Morton - Best Known Work
New English Canaan
John Mason - Best Known Work
Brief History of the Pequot War
What did Mary Rowlandson write about?
Her captivity in the hands of Native Americans during King Philip’s War
Important colonial book by Thomas Weld, Richard Mather, and John Eliot
Bay Psalm Book
Most famous collection by Anne Bradstreet
The 10th Muse Lately Sprung Up in America
Bradstreet poem contrasting personifications of England and America
A Dialogue Between Old England and New
Bradstreet poem comparing fire, water, air, and earth
Four Elements
Bradstreet epic poem comparing several ancient empires
Four Monarchies
Bradstreet poem comparing melancholic, choleric, sanguine, and phelgmatic
Four Humours or Four Constitutions
Michael Wigglesworth - Best Known Work
Day of Doom
George Alsop - Best Known Work
A Character of the Province of Maryland
Daniel Denton - Best Know Work
A Brief Description of New York
Jonathan Edwards’s most famous sermon, a catalyst for the start of the Great Awakening
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Jonathan Edwards essay about conversion to Christianity, detailing his own experiences in Northampton MA
A Faithful Narrative on the Surprising Work of God
Jonathan Edwards work defending Calvinist doctrine and predestination
Freedom of the Will
Lucy Terry - Best Known Work
Ballad about a Native American attack, first known work of African American literature
Bars Fight
Jupiter Hammon - Best Known Work
An Evening Thought Salvation By Christ with Penitential Cries
Phillis Wheatley - Best known collection
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral
Crevoceur - Best Known Work
Letters from an American Farmer