Colon Flashcards
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
ERAS Preop
Educate about ostomy- planning and marking, dehydration
Mechanical bowel preparation with antibiotics
ERAS periop
Change gowns, gloves and instruments before fascial closure
Preop chlorhexidine shower
Antibiotics 1 hour before incision
ERAS Postop
Opioid sparing- Opioids delay bowel movements- Alvimopan
Avoid drains
Early feeds, mobilisation
Wean off catheters, i v fluids
Diverticular Disease
Diverticulum- Outpouching of wall of bowel into the lumen
False- Does not involve all layers of the bowel wall
True- Involves all layers of the bowel wall- Rare, usually congenital
Diverticulosis- More than diverticulum
Occurs mostly at the mesenteric border
Occurs at the point where vasa recta enters the muscular layer- weak point.
M/c at the sigmoid colon, desc colon
Rarely occurs at the rectum
Mostly due to low fibre diet, constipation
Obstruction at the orifice of the diverticulum- stasis- bacterial overgrowth- inflammation- ischemia, necrosis- perforation.
<5% of the patients with diverticulosis will develop diverticulitis.
Pain abdomen (LLQ), fever, change in bowel habits.
Bleeding pr
Palpable tender mass- if phlegmon+
Diverticulitis- CT findings
CT- colonic wall thickening, pericolic fat stranding
Modified Hinchey Classification:
Stage 0- Mild
Stage 1a- pericolic inflammation
Stage 1b- pericolic abscess
Stage 2- pelvic/ intraabdominal abscess
Stage 3- peritonitis
Stage 4- Fecal peritonitis
Diverticulitis- Complications
Diverticulitis- Complications Detail
Abscess- Small abscess- Antibiotics. Large abscess- Needs percut drainage.
Fistula- Abscess decompresses into another organ after forming a fistula which is an abnormal connection between 2 epithelial lined organs.
Pneumaturia, fecaluria, air p.v, vaginal discharge, enterocutaneous fistula in patients S/P percut drainage of abscess.
Vesico-colic fistula- Bladder catheterised for 7-10 days- helps the bladder heal- cystogram done after 7-10days to check if the bladder has healed- if yes then decath and repair the fistula
Obstruction- Recurrent/ chronic diverticulitis- fibrosis- obstruction.
Partial obstruction- NG tube decompression, iv fluids, NPO. If obstruction resolves- plan elective resection.
If obstruction does not resolve- emergency surgery
1. Stage 3 Hinchey- lap lavage- place drain. Resection anastomosis with diverting ileostomy
2. Stage 4 Hinchey- Hartmann
Uncomplicated diverticulitis
Diverticulitis- Special populations
Right sided diverticulitis- Asian, young
Immunocompromised- threshold
Young patients
Colorectal Cancer