Colombian Slang - Level 3 (Basic) Flashcards
Hello!, What’s up?, What’s new?
The little boy
El chino
The little girl
La china
The object, the thing
La vaina
The boredom, the laziness
Jartera, mamera
Great, excellent, good
Friend, partner, comrade, bro
El parce, el parcero, la parcera
To hang out with friends, to relax
Great, good, excellent, cool
Bacano, bacana
To work hard
Elderly person
El cucho, la chucha
The parents
Los cuchos
To have a severe hangover
The beer
La pola
Brave, determined, enterprising, skilled
Berraco, berraca
To give someone an advantage to hurt, to make fun of, or to rob you
Dar papaya
To be deeply in love with someone
Estar tragado, estar tragada
Tipsy, drunk, intoxicated
Jincho, jincha