Colloq 1- shit i dont know Flashcards
Difference between normative and non-normative ethics
Non-normative approaches don’t recommend any particular set of values or principles. It is only a philosophical analysis of some problems that are related to ethics.
Normative approaches are philosophical attempts to formulate and defend basic moral principles and standards of virtue.
Utilitarian theory
- Hedonistic
- Pluralistic
- Preference
consequentialist ethical theory that → claims which actions are right or wrong according to consequences
rather than because of any intrinsic feature they may have, such as truthfulness or fidelity.
In essence, what makes an action morally right or wrong is the total good or evil it produces. If it promotes or not happines
Hedonistic = Utility is understood in terms of pleasure.
Pluralistic = there are many goods that have to be involved in utilitarian calculus and not just pleasure but friendship, knowledge, health, courage, beauty, etc
Preference = utility needs to be analyzed in terms of an individual’s actual preferences, rather than in terms of intrinsically valuable experiences.
All are utilitarian theories but differ in the way about how utility should be understood in the formulation of PU.