Collocations-Houses & Apartments Flashcards
به جایی که واسه اقامت کوتاه مدت اجاره میشه واسه زندگی
Short-term rental
آپارتمان دو خوابه با اشپزخونه و نشیمن
Two-bedroom apartment
آپارتمان با یک اتاق بزرگ
Studio apartment
ساختمان پنج طبقه
Five-story building
تراسی که به اقیانوس دید داره
The balcony overlooking the ocean
The balcony has a view of ocean
The apartment was fixed up and improved
The apartment had been remodeled/ renovated
Big living room
The specious living room
Bedroom is small and uncomfortable
The bedroom is rather cramped
خونه خودم رو دارم
I have the place of my own
خانههای مقرون به صرفه
Affordable house
Arias where rich people live
Upscale neighborhoods
واممسکن گرفتن
To take out a mortgage
بازپرداخت وام میکن
To pay of the mortgage
A party to celebrate living in a new house/apartment
To throw a housewarming part