Colleges and Universities Flashcards
What type of standards to not-for-profit universities follow? What type of standards to public universities follow?
- FASB (not-for-profit)
- GASB (public university)
What are the deductions to get to net tuition revenues?
All tuition is first recorded at gross tuition then deducted.
- Scholarship allowances: Awards to students that cover tuition such as pell grants, that are reduction in charges and do not involve actual payment of resources. Uncollectible accounts is also deducted.
- Scholarship expenses- Involve actual expenditure of resources
- Tuition waivers (to employees) are expenses
What are examples of auxiliary revenues and expenses, and where are they reported?
- Residence hall revenue
- Food service revenue
- Book store revenue
- Parking Revenue
Auxiliary revenues and expenses are aggregated as a single line item in the operating section as a non-operating revenue. They are not reported in the top line of the income statement
What financial statements for a not-for-profit university and a public university?
- Balance Sheet
- Statement of activities
- Statement of cash flows
- Statement of net position
- Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position
- Statement of cash flows
What is the “Equity” section like for a not-for-profit college or university?
Net assets with donor restrictions
Net assets without donor restrictions