Collecting data Flashcards
How does a survey differ from an interview?
Surveys involve users responding to sets of predefined questions, usually done individually and privately.
Interviews, on the other hand, are in-person discussions where open-ended and follow-up questions are common.
When would an observation be a preferred method of collecting data?
Observation is ideal for complex or unclear situations, revealing issues users might miss. It provides unbiased data, avoiding reliance on user opinions or memories. It’s useful when the cause of a system problem is unclear.
What are three advantages of an interview?
interviews allow for open-ended questions and follow-on questions.
Clarifying questions can be asked quickly, at the time that clarification is needed.
People often provide more information when interviewed than if they complete a survey or write a report.
What are two disadvantages of using reports as part of data collection?
- You are reliant on the accuracy of the author of the report.
- The data used in the report may no longer be relevant