Colic Flashcards
What is colic and name some causes of colic?
What are the typical clinical signs of colic?
Distinguish between mild, moderate and severe colic?
What causes distension in the abdomen and name the two ways they can obstruct?
Name the differences between a mechanical obstruction compared to a functional obstruction and name examples:
Name different types of inflammation/infection in the abdomen?
What is the difference between Strangulation vs Non Strangulation in terms of severity?
Either the Small Intestines or the Large Intestines can be strangulated, name the different examples, diagnostic techniques and treatment for each one:
What are the reasons for REFERRAL for Colic?
What is in a ‘Colic Work Up’?
List questions you would ask in the:
Physical Exam
Why would you carry out a Nasogastric Tube?
Name the 2 methods and the abnormal result
Determine the difference between medical or surgical lesion in terms of Signalment +History, Cardiovascular status, Gastrointestinal status, Treatment
Name the other diagnostics tests for Colic
Name some short or long term problems with the surgery procedure