Cold War Vocabulary Flashcards
Arms race
Struggle between nations to gain an advantage in weapons
Anti-ballistic missile treaty
Part of the salt I agreement between US and Soviet Union that prevented the creation of weapons that could shoot down Nuclear weapons.
Bay of pigs invasion
Failed secret United States invasion plan to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961
Berlin Airlift
Massive effort by western leaders to supply West Berlin
Boris Yeltsin
Leader of the republic of Russia who favored even more radical changes than Mikhail Gorbachev
Cold War
Era of tension and hostility between United States and Russia
The United States policy that involved resisting soviet aggression
Cuban missile crisis
The installation of soviet missiles in Cuba
Policy of Richard Nixon that sought to lesson Tension between US and soviets
The development of military power to deter or prevent an attack
Fidel Castro
Leader of Cuba during the Cold War
A radical concept by Mikhail Gorbachev
Hydrogen bomb
Bomb who’s power is due to sudden release in atomic energy
Iron curtain
Speech given by British prime minister
John F. Kennedy
United States leader during the failed bay of Pigs invasion
Marshall plan
United States plan to fund $13 billion to Europe
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet leader who called for macro reformed for the soviet system
North Atlantic Treaty Organization an alliance made to stop soviet power in Europe
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet leader who sought to “de-Stalinize” the Soviet Union
Nonaligned nations
Nations refusing to help the United States or the Soviet Union
Nuremberg trials
Military courts held in Nuremberg,Germany between 1945 an 1949
Radical concept by Mikhail Gorbachev that meant “restructuring”
Richard Nixon
Us president who introduced the policy of Detente
Agreement between the US and the Soviet Union limiting the number of Nuclear weapons held in each country
The second meeting between the US and the Soviet Union
An object that circles the earth
1980 anti-government protested in Poland
The first satellite ever launched, launched by the Soviet Union
Truman Doctrine
A pledge the US made to oppose the spread in communism
Velvet Revolution
Peaceful revolution in Czechoslovakia that pushed communists out of power
Warsaw Pact
Alliance made up of the Soviet Union and the communist nations in Europe