cold war section 1 Flashcards
when was the Tehran Conference
28 Nov-1 Dec 1943
what were the desicions made at the tehran conference
1.Britain and Usa would open a second front by invading Nazi occupied France in May 1944
2.Soviet Union will declare war on France once Germany was defeated
3.A UN was to be set up after the war
4.Stalin was promised back the lands he lost to Poland
5.Ussr and america+britain will each have there own sphere of influence
impact of the tehran conference
1.Eased tensions as before Stalin was afraid that USA
+UK were deliberately delaying opening up a second front to further weaken the SU but that was disproved
2.Stalin and Roosevelt good relations might create a position where the Big Three became the Big Two
when was the Yalta Conference
4-11 Feb 1945
what was agreed upon at the yalta conference
1.Stalin agreed to let Russian troops help America defeat Japan once Hitler had been defeated
2.’Declaration of Liberated Europe’ committed the USSR,USA,UK to work together for democracy in Europe
3.All agreed to set up UN commited to maintaining peace
4.Restated there sphere of influence agreement
5.Future Germany will be split into four zones later decided that Berlin will be split in four as well
what were the disagreement at the yalta conference
1.Reperations for Germany.Stalin wanted to cripple Germany so they could never start a war again but Churchill argues that too harsh punishment would spirk up a war again.A figure of 20 billion dollars was put forward
2.Stalin promised free elections in lands Soviet army occupied but had no intention of doing so, just wanted to acquire more land
3.Disagreement of each allies version of democracy.
when was Potsdam confernce
17 July - 2 August 1945
what was the change in circumstances before yalta
1.Germany defeated in May 1945
2.Scientists in USA developed first atomic bomb
3.UN created in June 1945 in the Treaty of San Fransico
who were the change in personnel
what did they agree on at the yalta conference
1.ban+dissolve Nazi party elections,speech and press
3.Germany split into four with France,USA,UK,USSR all getting a piece
3.Germany de-militarised.All German naval+merchant ships given to allies
what did they disagree at yalta conference
-an amount couldn’t be decided so they decided each ally will do what they want with the area they control.Unfair as USSR section was poorer than the West so they gave them a quarter of their industrial equipment in return for East German raw materials
2.Eastern Europe
-Stalin wanted control of Eastern Europe as a defensive measure but Truman saw that as an act of communist aggression
3.Atomic Bomb
-to assert his authority Truman deliberately delayed the meeting for America
what was the war of words
Churchill’s Iron Curtain -March 1946
>’an iron curtain curtain has descended across the continent’
Stalins repsonse-March 1946
>’Mr Churchill and his friends bear a striking resemblance to Hitler and his friends.’
what was the American secret telegram
Long telegram 1946-Truman
>reported that stalin has given a speech calling for the destruction of capitalism
>no peace with the USSR while it was opposed to capitalism
>they were building up there military power
what was the USSR secret telegram
Novikov’s Telegram 1946
>America wanted to dominate the world
>After Truman died they no longer intended to work with the USSR
>American public was being prepared for war with the UUSR
what is a satellite
a country that is officially independent but in reality controlled by another country
three examples of satellite states
Why did truman have an issue with Stalin having satellite states
Stalin had satellite states as a useful buffer zone between the Soviet Union and Germany to prevent Germany from invading them for the third time.But instead truman saw this as them tryna spread communism worldwide
When was the Truman Doctrine created
What was the Truman doctrine
America would send troops + economic resources to help governments that were threatened by communists as communism should not be allowed to grow and gain territory
When was the Marshall Plan created
What was the significance of the Truman doctrine
Ended Americas period of isolationism
Divided the world into two clear ideologies: communism and capitalism thus the unofficial end of the Grand Alliance
Shows America was committed to containment
What did Comiform stand for and when was it made
The Communist Information Bureau 1947
why was the marshall plan and truman doctrine created
The idea of communism seemed very appealing to countries who were economically struggling after WW2 as the ideas of sharing resources was very nice.So America wanted to combat that
what was the marshall plan
the commitment of $13 billion dollars of American money to rebuilding the devasted economies of Europe.
What did you have to do in order to qualify for the Marshall Plan
European countries had to agree to freely trade with America
What did Stalin refer to the Marshall Plan as
Dollar imperialism.America buying influence of other European countries
What were the initial reactions to the Marshall Plan
1.European countries met at the Paris conference in 1948 to discuss and many countries were keen to accept.However USSR outraged and walked out of meeting stating America was purposely trying to divide Europe into two camps
2.Stalin extended his control over Eastern Europe by creating satellite states
Was the impact of the Truman Doctrine + Marshall Plan on relations
End of Grand Alliance
Stalins suspicions of the West reinforced
Successfully tied Western European countries into supporting the USA
What was Comiform
An international organisation that represented the communist parties across Europe and brought them together under the direction of the USSR
Also used to ensure the loyalty of Eastern European governments and this by investigating government minister and employees and removing all of those who were not totally loyal to Stalin
What did Comecon stand for and when was it made
The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 1949
What did Comecon do
Minimised American influence in Eastern Europe + USSR
Economically it ensured that the benefits of economic recovery in EE remained with the Soviet ‘sphere of influence’
>Bulgaria’s trade with other comecon member increased form 10-90% in 1951
What is trizonia
First known as bizonia , the zones belonging to USA,UK and France running as one zone
They had their own constitution and currency called Deutschmark
What was the issue with trizonia
Stalin was not consulted about any of this and saw this as the first step towards permanently dividing Germany
Why did Stalin not want a divided Germany
Did not want to allow America to have even more influence over Germany
Most of Germany’s most valuable economic resources were in the West and feared that they would be used against the USSR in a war
when was the berlin blockade
June 1948-January 1949
Why did the Berlin Blockade happen
To prevent a seperate state Stalin
what happened in the berlin blockade
Cut west Germany off from its capital so that the new government which was based in Berlin could not control its territory in western Germany
What was the response to the Berlin Blockade
The Berlin Airlift
What are some figures from the berlin airlift
America- 600-700 tonnes of food and supplies daily
Britain-provided over 170,000 tonnes of supplies during Jan 1949
How did the blockade make each side look
When did the airlift end
May 1949
What was the consequence of the airlift
Seperation of East and West Germany
What was west germany called
Federal Republic of Germany
what was East Germany called
German Democratic Republic
When was NATO created and what was it a consequence of
April 1949
consequence of Berlin Blockade
What does NATO stand for and whats its purpose
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
a military alliance where all NATO agreed that should any NATO member come under attack then all NATO members would come to their defence.
what was the importance of NATO
it was a military alliance with the specific aim of defending the west against the spread of communism
When was the Warsaw Pact created
May 1955
What was the Warsaw Pact a consequence of
After West Germany was allowed to join NATO
What was the Warsaw Pacts important features
It created a joint command of the armed forces of the alliance.
It set up a Political Committee to co-ordinate the foreign policies of the members.
It bound its signatories to come to the aid of the others, should any one of them be the victim of foreign
aggression. This was no different to NATO.
What was the importance of the Warsaw Pact
increased the influence of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe and led to more Soviet troops being stationed
the Pact quickly became a powerful political tool for
the Soviet Union to hold sway over its allies and harness the powers of their combined military.
Key figures in the arms race
1945-USA develops the atomic bomb
1949-SU create atomic bomb
1952-USA develop hydrogen bomb-1000 times more stronger than atomic
1953-SU develop hydrogen bomb
1957-USA develop ICBM(Inter-continental Ballistic Missile)-could fire nuclear warhead at a target 3000 miles away
1957-SU testing for its first ICBM
Why was the arms race significant
it prevented a war in Europe as each side was scared of the other sides nuclear weapon.
what was the change in leadership in 1953
why was Stalins death a turning point in the cold war
ended stalinsim-inordinately oppressing people
what sparked the Hungarian uprising
Krushchevs Secret Speech 1956 where he promised an end to Stalinism throughout the entire Soviet sphere of influence
How did people protest in Hungary
student rioted and attacked Soviet troops with petrol bombs and grenades.Despite the fact that it is illegal to demonstrate mass demonstrations took place in Budapest countries capital.Demonstrations> voilence,police lost control and similar protests began to occur in Hungary other major cities
WHo did krushchev put in charge instead
Imre Nagy
What were Nagys reforms
Hungary should leave the Warsaw Pact and become neutral.
Communist government in Hungary should end.
Hungary should become a Western-style democracy with free elections.
Hungary should ask the UN for protection from Russia.
What was the consequence of Nagy’s reform
Ended alliance with USSR
Invasion of Hungary with 200,000 USSR troops in November 1956,Lasted two weeks and around 20,000 Hungarians killed and another 200,000 escaped to Austria
Nagy goverment destroyed
Why did Krushchev respond with force
realised that if Hungary was allowed to leave the Warsaw Pact then other Eastern European countries might soon ask for the same thing. In fact, Khrushchev had access to secret information that said that discontent with communism was widespread across Eastern Europe and these reports reinforced his view that allowing greater freedom for these unhappy countries would mean an end to Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe.
What happened to Nagy afterward
Nagy sought protection within the Yugoslavian embassy and although the Yugoslavian ambassador agreed that Nagy
was free to leave Hungary, as soon as Nagy left the embassy he was arrested by Soviet troops. He was accused of
treason and was found guilty in a trial, overseen by Khrushchev. He was hanged in June 1958 and following his
execution Khrushchev stated that Nagy’s fate was “a lesson to the leaders of all socialist countries”.
How did the SU reassert control
Janos Kadar became new leader
He published a 15 point programme setting out his new government direction which included:
-using Hungarian troops to stop attacks on Soviet forces
-Remaining part of Warsaw Pact
-Negotiating withdrawal of Soviet troops once crisis was over
What was the international reaction to the Hungarian Uprising
Although America openly encouraged the uprising they offered no military aid to prevent the outbreak of nuclear war.Proved its commitment to liberating Europe from communism did not include military support.
Why was the Hungarian Uprising important on public relations
The Hungarian Uprising made Khrushchev’s position in the Soviet Union much stronger and gave him a stronger
position in the Warsaw Pact. Members now knew they must do as they were told. If they rebelled,
They could not expect military support from the USA. Khrushchev also became more confident in dealing with the
USA because he now knew they were unlikely to risk taking military action. Kruschev’s actions had further soured