Cold War Escalation Abroad Flashcards
Yalta Conference
(1945) Truman
Divides Germany into 4 parts
Divides Berlin into 4 parts
(1. US, 2. GB, 3. Fr, 4. SU)
Marshall Plan
US offers aid to all European countries to help rebuild; only Western Europe accepts
Truman Doctrine
US must protect free nations from communism
Berlin Airlift
Stalin wants to run US out of , blockades city, Truman drops food from planes
Formation of NATO
Organization of western nations for collective security against Soviets
Fall of China
Communists led by Mao Zedong overthrow democratic government in China
Nuclear Arms Race
Purpose of Arms Race: Deterrence
US Accomplishment: Hydrogen Bomb
Soviet Accomplishment: ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
Korean War (1950-1953)
Communist North Korea, with Soviet help, invades democratic South Korea; US helps South Korea
Warsaw Pact (1955)
Soviet response to the creation of NATO; collective security for eastern Europe
Space Race (1957-1969)Eisenhower
Soviet Accomplishments: Sputnik
US Accomplishment: First Man on Moon
Vietnam War1954-1975 Eisenhower Kennedy L. Johnson Nixon
Communist North Vietnam invades democratic South Korea ; US helps South Vietnam
U2 Incident
1960 Eisenhower
Soviets shoot down US spy plane flying over Soviet Union
Bay of Pigs Invasion
1961 Kennedy
Attempted overthrow of Communist Cuban leader Fidel Castro; Failed
Berlin Crisis
1961 Kennedy
JFK meets with Soviet leader Khrushchev and leaves feeling bullied; Soviets build Berlin Wall to separate East and West Berlin
Cuban Missile Crisis
(1962) Kennedy
US finds Soviet missiles in Communist Cuba; US blockades leading to near nuclear disaster
Limited Test Ban Treaty
1963 Kennedy
Treaty signed between US, Great Britain, and Soviet Union to stop above ground nuclear testing
1968 Nixon
Policy of relieving tensions between the US, China, and the Soviet Union
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I)
1972 Nixon
Limited offensive nuclear weapons between the US and the Soviet Union
Boycott of Olympics
1980 Carter
Soviets invaded Afghanistan, US refuses to attend the Olympic games in Moscow
Strategic Defense Initiative
1983 Reagan
Aka “Star Wars” – Wanted to create a massive shield in space to intercept and destroy Soviet missiles
Grenada Invasion
1983 Reagan
Pro-Cuban government took over in Grenada; US helps oust regime
Iran-Contra Affair
1986 Reagan
US sells weapons to and uses money to support anti-communist Contras in Nicaragua; illegal
Gorbachev Controls Soviet Union
1985 R
Gorbachev institutes glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) in Soviet Union
Fall of Berlin Wall
1989 Bush 1
East Germany allows free travel for first time between East and West; People flood over Berlin Wall and tear it down
USSR Collapses
1991 Bush I
Gorbachev resigns from presidency of the Soviet Union and collapses