Cold War Flashcards
Why did the USSR want control over Greece?
They wanted it to be a Soviet Republic
What did the monarchists want in Greece?
The return of the monarchy and free elections (under supervision of Britain)
What did the USSR want in Turkey
Access to the Mediterranean sea for Soviet ships through the Black Sea Straits
Stepping stone for communism into the Middle East
Important to USA because oil
Yalta Agreements
Stalin agreed to enter war against Japan after Germany surrendered
Germany would be divided into 4 zones USA, France, UK, USSR
To hunt down those responsible for genocide in Germany
Countries liberated from Germany would hold free elections
Join UN
Eastern Europe is Soviet sphere of influence
Yalta disagreement
Stalin wanted have Poland and he took it and Churchill was unhappy but persuaded Roosevelt to accept if USSR didn’t interfere in Greece
Potsdam circumstances - Europe occupation
Stalin occupied most of Eastern Europe
USA and Britain protested but USSR insisted that it was a protective measure against possible attack
Potsdam circumstances - USA president
Roosevelt died in 1945 and was replaced by Truman
Truman was more anti-communist and suspicious of Stalin
Thought the Soviet actions in Eastern Europe was preparation for takeover of whole Europe
Potsdam circumstances - Bomb
USA had developed an atomic bomb that increased tensions between the super powers
Potsdam disagreements - Germany
Stalin wanted to cripple Germany to protect USSR from future threats but Truman didn’t want a repeat mistake of WW1
Potsdam disagreements - reparations
Stalin wanted $10 billion in reparations from Germany but Truman didn’t want to cripple Germany too much so they become aggressive again (WW1)
Potsdam disagreements - Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe
Stalin argued that if East Europe was united, no-one would dare attack them
Truman thought that this meant that Stalin wanted to build a soviet empire in Europe
Atomic bomb
Showed the distrust between two superpowers - USSR had known about its development since 1942
Truman used the bomb as a warning to Stalin
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill’s description of the border of Soviet controlled countries
Soviet expansion - East Germany
Allies gave it to the USSR
Run by Red Army until 1949 when German Democratic Republic was created
Soviet expansion - Poland
Communist formed a coalition government after war but in 1947, forced the non-Communist leaders into exile
Soviet expansion - Czechoslovakia
Left-wing coalition won election in 1945 and in 1946 Communist joined coalition
In 1948, they banned all other parties and made Czechoslovakia completely communist
Soviet expansion - Hungary
Communist became largest party in 1947
They imprisoned opposition politicians and attacked Church leaders
Soviet expansion - Romania
1945, Communist Prime Minister elected in coalition
1947, monarchy abolished
Soviet expansion - Yugoslavia
Marshal Tito led wartime resistance against Nazis and was elected President in 1945
determined to apply communism in his own way and was expelled from Cominform
Soviet expansion - Albania
Communist gained power quickly after war - no opposition
Soviet expansion - Bulgaria
Left-wing coalition in 1945
Communists then executed leaders of other parties
Coordinated work of Communist parties in Europe and briefed them in Moscow often
He could pick out and replace leaders who he didn’t think were loyal to him (except Yugoslavia)
West’s reaction to Communist domination
Unexpected - thought the governments would be democratic
Truman saw spread of Communism
Truman help to Greece and Turkey
He gave $400 million in aid to them and secured Turkey as a US ally and propped up Monarchist government in Greece
Truman Doctrine
It meant that the USA was prepared to send equipment, money or advice to any country threatened by Communist takeover
Truman’s policy to stop communism spreading any further
If communism was to spread any further, it would’ve been met with military force
The Marshall Plan
Communism spread to areas of poverty and hardship so US sent General Marshall to assess economy of Europe - they were completely broken, food shortages, coal shortages.
At first, in 1947, Congress didn’t accept the plan of sending $17 billion from Truman but in 1948, after Czechoslovakia was taken control of violently (through killing of Anti-Soviet leaders, Congress accepted Marshall Plan
Stalin’s view of Marshall Plan
He viewed with suspicion and forbade any eastern European states to apply for Marshall Aid and set up Cominform and Comecon
Yugoslavia and Tito
TIto resisted the control of Stalin
USSR took no military action but used propaganda