Cold War 1945-1972 Flashcards
Who were the two main Superpowers during the cold war?
The United States of America
The Soviet Union
Why was the cold war ‘cold’
The cold war was cold because there wasn’t any direct conflict between the two Superpowers. (The wars that were fought, were instead proxy wars)
What is a Proxy War?
When the Superpowers allied themselves to opposing sides of pre-existing conflicts e.g. the Korean war
What is Capitalism?
A political ideology based around working hard, making money and private business as the backbone of the economy.
What is Communism?
A political ideology based around sharing money and State-owned businesses and fixed economy
What are the key properties of Capitalist states?
Private businesses/enterprise Free economy Making money Democracy Wealth/class difference
What are the key properties of Communist states?
State-owned Businesses Controlled Economy Sharing money One party government Equal wealth
What was the Grand Alliance?
The Grand Alliance was the term for the partnership made between the superpowers to fight the Nazis in the latter half of WW2
Who was in the Grand Alliance?
The UK (not as powerful as the others but still had superpower status at the time)
What is a Superpower?
An extremely powerful nation (economically, technologically an militarily) that has influence over the world.
What was agreed at Yalta?
- Germany was to be reduced in size, divided, demilitarised and forced to pay $20 bn in reparations
- The USSR would declare war on Japan
- The founding of the United Nations
What were Stalin’s main aims after WW2?
Stalin wanted to achieve Soviet security by creating a buffer zone in eastern Europe and lessening the technological gap between the soviets and the USA by creating a soviet atomic bomb.
What was the Long Telegram?
The long telegram was an 8000 word message (unusually long for a telegram) sent from an American diplomat in Moscow to the US, which declared that the soviets saw the Americans as enemies and that peaceful co-existence was impossible.
How did the Soviets expand their influence into Eastern Europe?
When the nazis fell, all of eastern europe was occupied by the soviet red army. During this occupation, the Soviets were able to support local communist parties, pushing them into positions of power until they were able to force non-communists out of coalition governments, rig elections and eventually ban all other parties. The cominform then meant that all these new communist states were loyal to the soviets.
What was the cominform?
The cominform was the governing body for the eastern european communist states. It wad lead by the USSR.
How did the communists seize power in Czechslovakia?
Despite the communist party being popular in Czechslovakia, they had failed to eradicate other parties and ideologies. Fearing that the communists would eventually lose out to other parties, the Soviet Union backed a full-scale communist coup detat in 1948. On 25/2/1948, Edward Benes, the President of Czechoslavakia, capitulated and Klement Gottwald and his communist party took his place.