Cold war Flashcards
cold war definition
- was a conflict between west (USA) and east (USSR) in 1945-1990, where the U.S. and USSR never directly fought, but supported opposing sides in proxy wars
- influences all spheres of life (politics, society (mentality, values), economy, military)
goal cold war
- USA:
- ensure the USSR did not expand further > elimitation
- introduction of market economy
- spread democracy
- keep control of Eastern Europa
- spread communism
- restructuring of society according to russian example
- both:
- expand one’s sphere of influence
causes for the cold war:
- *tensions between USA and USSR at the end of World War II
- ideological conflict (communism, capitalism)
- fear of communism in the United States (domino theory)
- increase of power of USA and USSR in WW2, as well as weakness of GB and G
- break Anti-Hitler coalition and distrust
spheres of influence:
> Western Europe (west germany, both americas) -
political guidelines:
> Truman-doctrine: would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external/ internal authoritarian forces - Containment: Eindämmung > limitation of communist influence
- Roll-back strategy: forcing change in major policies of a state, usually by replacing its ruling regime
picture of enemy:
> threat for democracy
> tyrannic dictatorship
> communism: evil
> used term: red flood > destruction - military defense: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
> world power > strongest economy
> winner of WW2 > not weakened by war - arms production, nuclear weapon
- spheres:
> eastern europe - political guidelines:
> theory of two camps -
after WW2, Stalin saw world divided into two camps: “imperialistic”, headed by USA; the “democratic”, headed by the USSR - picture of the enemy:
> capitalism: evil (oppresive, exploitative)
> excited by the war (warmongers - encourage or advocate aggression towards other countries or groups) - military alliance: Warsaw Pact
- position:
> world power, big country
> winner of WW2, major load of WW2
> gained international respect
Iron Curtain Meaning
- used to describe the political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from 1945-1991
> by Churchill
Domino Theory:
- was invented by the USA to express their fear regarding the expansion of communism. If a single country in Southeast Asia falls under communist regime, slowly every country within the area will be led bt communism
> chain reaction
Arms race definition
- described the military competition between the USSR and USA, where they focus on improving their defense, and the fast production of high quality weapons to show their superiority
Pro vs Contra Arms race
> country is always prepared for war/threats: able to defend themselves
> safety of countries
> create new work places
> show superiority -
> possibility of destruction
> wasteful, expensive
> the use of weapons would backfire (destroy enemy but also yourself > nuclear weapons pose a direct and constant threat to people everywhere)
> senseless
both: other countries fear you, breed mistrust among nations
Vietnam war
> 1962-1975 (13 years)
> North Vietnam > USSR, China (communism)
South Vietnam > USA (bad presidency)
- causes: gain influence, fear Domino theory, reunification V
- results:
> USA withdraws > first war USA lost
> huge losses
> destruction of nature
> peace in 1975 (reunification)
Korean war
> 1950-1953 (3 years)
North K > USSR, China
South > USA
- causes: same as V
- results:
> 2 mio people die
> armistice in 1953
> K still divided, tension
V war vs K w
- similarities:
- North always supported bt USSR, China
- South by USA
- causes/reasons: the same
- suffered from huge losses
- differences:
- K lasted for 3 years, V 13 years
- K still divided, V became one nation
- clear winner vs open end
- proxy wars
- conclusion:
- same reasons, different approaches/outcomes
- USSR, USA had huge impact in asia
Cubab missile crisis definition
- a major, dangerous confrontation in 1962 that brought the USA and the USSR close to (nuclear) war over the presence of Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missiles in Cuba
- lasted for 13 days
Cuban missile crisis events/course:
- course:
Cuba revolution:
- 1953-1959 ended w/ overthrow of dictator Batista by rebel army led by Castro
- US wasn’t pleased > fear of communism > goal: overthrow Castro regime
> attempted to invade bay of pigs > failed
-> Castro turned to USSR, which provided Cuba with weapons and political support > shared same ideologies
> secret agreement: build missile bases in Cuba
- USA discovered bases, Kennedy decided to implement a naval blockade around Cuba: prevent further military supplies
- After intense negotiations Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba
> Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba and secretly remove U.S. missiles from Turkey - on the brink of nuclear war
- consequences:
- terror/fear in population
- communication between both parties
- removal weapons
- détente > relaxation of strained political relations through verbal communication