cognitivism: naturalism Flashcards
fh braddeley
-doing ‘good’ can be defined as doing one’s ‘duty’ in life- discovered looking at what society does
hegel’s theory of Geist
-some force that moves society forward. social change
-zeitgeist=whatever the current generally accepted worldview of society is
-within this is volksgeist=spirit or collective conscience of ppl that makes up society - defines morality
J Bentham (1748-1832)
-hedonism-pleasure is ‘good’+the 2 r synonyms
-cant say one thing is always pleasurable for everyone
-should maximise pleasure bc its the good- hedonic utilitarianism
- for any ethical statement/language, it can be true or false depending on whether it maximised pleasure. Eg Hitler
-pleasure is a natural feature of natural creatures – e.g. brain chemicals. so good is natural property
suppport: Epicurus- similar to jB
-a peaceful + happy life was most important
support: Aristotle
-hedonist only wants pleasure
-we seek a fulfilling activity + the pleasure it gives us reinforces that
-hard to quantify
-good is fixed + we must pursue it
-can also be relativist: if I say what my society says is good then good is following societal norms
-natural fact
-eg cannibals remain canibals
Bentham quote
“Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure”
Philipa foot
-drew on Aristotles idea: the natural world includes a good way of doing stuff. It offers patterns of excellence and defect, related to function and purpose of living things.
-These apply to morality: life cycle, Self maintenance and reproduction is achieved differently, from this norms can be deduced
- book ‘natural goodness’
Philip foot quote - roots
‘oaks need to have deep sturdy roots: there is something wrong with them if they do not’.
support: Aquinas- The Peripatetic axiom is:
against moore
“Nothing is in the intellect that was not first in the senses”
-we know slavery is wrong bc we observed it
CRITICISM: Humes fork- is/ought gap
-that which ‘is’ is not the same as that which ‘ought’ to be
-one’s societally-defined duty and what is morally ‘good’ are not automatically the same thing
-j bc human nature finds pleasure good doesn’t mean pleasure IS good
CRITICISM: GE Moore naturalistic fallacy
-fallacy (error) to assume that something being natural means that it is good
-doesnt mean pleasure is good
CRITICISM: GE Moore open question argument
-logical error- if goodness=pleasure then pleasure=pleasure
1)synthetic 2)analytic
so goodness can’t =pleasure
-goodness can’t be defined-cant be identical to natural thing- otherwise make this error
-open question of what goodness is
closed question can be defined thru identity eg triangle has 3 sides
counterpoint to Moore open question: Mackie
-in Moore’s time philosophers were too optimistic in thinking that linguistic analysis could tell us metaphysical truths
-cant analyse language + come to certain conclusion. our concepts could be diff to reality
counterpoint to Hume n Moore: inductive argument
-‘human nature to find pleasure good’- not proving/meaning its good, just evidence pleasure being good
-Mill (similar to Bentham)- pleasure=happiness, more inductive argument calling it ‘the only proof possible’
-allows for individual realisation
-scientific evidence