define cognitive psychology
internal processes involved in making sense of the environment.
central to all human behaviour
frameworks in cog psych
- 1950-80s: computer metaphor; info processing
- 1980s-now: connectionist, neural networks
- 1990s-now: neuroimaging
brain image dependence?
- neuroscience increased quality of good and circular interpretations
- seductive allure of neuroscience
levels of description
- computational - what needs to be computed for the goals
- conceptual - representational algorithm; steps for output
- hardware - physical means of representation
experimental cog psych
- behavioural evidence to test science
BUT theories often abstract
cognitive neuropsychology
- patterns of impairment
BUT only single cases
computational modelling
- computational modelling
BUT often specify details not part of theory
cognitive neuroscience
- snapshots of brain activity with fMRI
BUT diff measures show diff brain functioning
defining memory
kinds of knowledge
- sensory memory- breif copy of event
- STM- buffer for temp maintenance of info
- LTM- facts/episodes/procedures
traditional view of memory
sensory stores -> STM -> LTM
STM traditional view
capacity: 7+2
decays within 30secs
LTM traditional view
capacity: unlimited
forgetting due to interference rather than decay
problems with traditional view
- not always bottom up process
semantic influences on STM tasks
- proactive interference - recall deteriorates across successive trials
- semantic in LTM influences tasks in STM
Interactive memory architecture describe features
LTM - declarative memory (semantic & episodic) & procedural memory (memory how to do things)
WM- working memory