Cognitive Neuroscience, Lecture 1 Flashcards
What are some methods for looking at the brain?
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Functional MRI (fMRI)
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
- Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
- Intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG)
What is single-cell recording?
Involves the implantation of a very small electrode into an axon (intracellular) or outside an axon membrane (extracellular). This records the neural activity from a population of neurons.
How are recordings of brain cell activities made?
Measuring the electrical potential of nearby neurons that are in close proximity to the electrode.
What is electroencephalography?
EEG is the measurement of the electrical activity of the brain by recording from electrodes placed on the scalp.
What do EEG signals represent?
The change in the potential difference between two electrodes placed on the scalp in time. The EEG obtained on several trials can be averaged together time-locked to the stimulus to form an event-related potential (ERP).
What are ERPs?
Event-related potentials are voltage fluctuations that are associated in time with a particular event (visual, auditory, olfactory stimuli).
How can ERPs be extracted?
From the ongoing EEG by means of filtering and averaging.
Which ERP peaks are associated with which aspects of face processing?
- N170 is relatively specialised for faces, recording from right PSTS
- P300 - famous and familiar faces
- N250 - face recognition, identity processing
- P400 - P600 - person recognition, faces and names
What is a MEG?
Magnetoencephalography is an imaging technique used to measure the magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in the brain via SQUIDS. It has excellent temporal and spatial resolution
When are MEG measurements used?
Commonly in research and clinical settings
What are SQUID sensors?
306 independent measurement channgels, which are organised in channel-triplets on 102 silicon chips
What is MRI?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging uses differential magnetic properties of types of tissues and blood to produce images of the brain
What is structual imaging?
Different types of tissue (skull, gray matter, white matter, CSF fluid) have different physical properties - used to create STATIC maps (CT and structural MRI)
What is functional imaging?
Temporary changes in physiology associated with cognitive processing (PET & fMRI)
What is a PET scan?
Positron Emission Tomography measures local blood flow (rCBF). A radioactive tracer is injected into the blood stream which takes 30 seconds to peak. When the material undergoes radioactive decay, a positron is emitted, which can be picked up by the detector. Areas of high radioactivity are associated with brain activity, based on blood volume.
What is an fMRI?
It is a functional MRI that measures the concentration of deoxyhemoglobin in the blood. We can study the correlation between brain activity and stimulus timings and can be used to produce activation maps showing which parts of the brain are involved in particular mental processes.
What is the BOLD response?
Blood Oxygen Level Dependent contract, the concentration of deoxyhaemoglobin in the blood.
What is the hemodynamic response function?
The change in BOLD response over time, and peaks in 6-8 seconds. LIMITS TEMPORAL RESOLUTION OF FMRI.
Actions embedded in cotexts and intentions, compared with two other conditions, yielded what result?
A significant BOLD signal increase in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus IFG and the ventral premotor cortex where hand actions are represented. Premotor mirror neuron areas are also involved in understanding the intention of others.
How do we infer functional specialization?
Need to compare relative differences in brain activity between two or more conditions. -> involves selecting a baseline or comparison condition
When is a region “active”?
If it shows a greater response in one condition relative to another.
What brain region is associated with recognising written words?
Occipital-temporal junction [word-cross]. To test this, ppts must have a passive viewing of written words. PASSIVE VIEWING OF FIXATION CROSS
What are the brain regions involved in saying the words?
Motor areas [reading aloud - passive]. To test this, ppts must read aloud a written word [phonology/articulation].
What are the brain regions involved in retrieving the meaning of words?
Left interior frontal gyrus [verb generation - reading]. To test this, ppts must generate an action.
What is Diffusion Tensor Imaging?
An imaging method that uses a modified MRI scanner to reveal bundles of axons in the living brain. It measures white matter organisation based on limited diffusion of water molecules in axons - we can visualise connections in the brain
What is Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy?
Measures the same BOLD response as fMRI - ‘light’ in the infrared range passes through the skull and scalp but is scattered differently by oxy-v. deoxyhemoglobin. It is portable and more tolerant of head movement - can’t image deep structures
What is intracranial electroencephalography?
The only method that gives high resolution in both time and place - when we record directly from inside the human brain, when people are undergoing neurosurgery. They are placed to locate the seizure and map function. Recording straight from the cortical surface - approx 10s of thousands of neurons
What did Mukamel et al., 2010 study about intracranial recordings in humans?
Recorded extracellular activity from 1177 cells in human medial frontal and temporal cortices while patients executed or observed hand grasping actions and facial emotional expressions.
–> Neurons in supplementary motor area SMA, and hippocampus responded to both observation and execution of actions.
What is TMS?
A means of disrupting normal brain activity by introducing neural noise - ‘virtual lesion’.
What is Faraday’s cell?
Principle of electromagnetic induction
What does TMS do?
Applying TMS pulse at any cortical node of the network, it will interfere with the relevant neural signal - efficacy of the neural signal will degrade [observe change in behaviour]
What are the advantages of TMS?
- Interference / virtual lesion technique
- Transient and reversible
- Control location of stimulation
- Establishes a causal link of different brain areas and a behavioural task
What are functional imaging studies a graded continuum of?
Language lateralization
What is transcranial doppler sonography?
Functional lateralisation
What did Knecht et al., study find concerning language?
Participants were either left or right language dominant. Tasked with word verification - off line TMS (600 pulses, 10 min, 110% MT). Results documented that language disruption correlated with degree and side of lateralisation
What is transcranial electric stimulation (TES)?
TES uses low-level (1 –2 mA) currents applied via scalp electrodes to specific brain regions.
What are the protocols for TES?
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and Transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS)
What is tDCS?
Anodal facilitation effects [stimulation inhibits GABA]; facilitation effects; Cathodal [stimulation inhibits glutamate]: inhibition effects; Sham (CONTROL) 30sec stimulation
What is tACS?
Uses low-level (0.5 - 2 mA) alternating currents applied via scalp electrodes to specific brain regions. The rationale behind tACS is the entrainment (synchronization) of internal brain rhythms with externally applied oscillating electric fields. The oscillatory fields cause the phase-locking of a large pool of neurons, leading to increases in neural synchronization at the corresponding frequency.
What is the current generator?
Battery delivers constant current up to 2mA, with 2 sponge electrodes in saline solution (20-35cm^2). The stimulation is less focal, and very safe.
When applied in sessions of repeated stimulation, what can tDCS lead to?
To changes in the neuronal excitability that outlast the stimulation itself. Such aftereffects are at the heart of tDCS protocols for clinical application (Nitsche et al., 2011).
What is a lucid dream?
A lucid dream can be thought of as an overlap between two states of consciousness – the one that exists in normal dreaming, and the one during wakefulness, which involves higher levels of awareness and control. In lucid dreaming, we transfer elements of waking consciousness into the dream.
How is lucid dreaming reflected in brain waves?
When people have lucid dreams, they show gamma waves in the frontal cortex, an activity pattern that is linked to consciousness but is nearly absent during sleep and normal dreaming