Cognitive explanations Flashcards
What are the two Cognitive explanations of offending
- Level of moral reasoning
- Cognitive distortions
Level of moral reasoning
- The way a person thinks about right and wrong.
- The higher the level the more that behaviour is driven by a sense of what is right
- The less history is driven by just avoiding punishment or avoiding the disapproval of others.
Moral dilemmas
Stage indicated by responses to stories such as the Heinz dilemma
Link with criminality
Offenders are more likely to be classified at the pre-conventional stage, whereas non-offenders are usually at the conventional or post conventional stage
What are the three levels of moral reasoning
What are the 6 stages of Kohlberges moral reasoning theory
- Punishment orientation
- Instrumental orientation
- Good boy or good girl orientation
- Maintenance of the social order
- Morality of contract and individual rights
- Morality of conscience
Punishment orientation stage
Rules are obeyed to avoid punishment
Instrumental orientation stage
Rules are obeyed for personal gain
Good boy or Good girl orientation stage
Rules are obeyed for approval
Maintenance of the social order stage
Rules are obeyed to maintain social order
Morality of contract and individual rights stage
Rules are challenged if they infringe on the rights of others
Morality of conscience stage
Individuals have a personal set of ethical principles
Heinz Dilemma in explaining offender behaviour
Offenders tend to show a lower level of moral reasoning that non-offenders with Kohlberg’s research showing a group of violent youths were at a significantly lower level of moral development than non-violent youths
Level of moral reasoning evaluation points- Research support
Offenders less mature moral reasoning than non-offenders
(Palmer and Holland)
Level of moral reasoning evaluation points- Type of offence
Crimes for financial gain, more pre-conventional reasoning than impulsive crimes (Thornton and Reid)
Cognitive distortions
Faulty, biased and irrational ways of thinking that mean we perceive ourselves, other people and the world inaccurately and usually negatively
Hostile attribution bias
Offenders see ambiguous facial expressions as hostile, roots in childhood
Deny seriousness of offence, especially sex offenders
Cognitive distortions evaluation points- Real-world application
CBT aims to reduce cognitive distortions, so reduced reoffending (Harkins)
Cognitive distortions evaluation points- Type of offence
Non-contact sex offenders used more cognitive distortions