cognitive behavior therapy Flashcards
shared characteristics between CBT and REBT
- collaborative relationhip client and therapist
- premise that psychological distress maintained by cognitive processes
- focus on changing conditions to produce desired changes in affect and behavior
- present centered time limited focus
- active and directive stance by therapist
- educational treatment focusing on specific and structured target problems
what is the basic hypothesis of REBT
- our emotions are mainly created by our beliefs, which influence the evaluations and interpretations we make anf fuel the reactions we have to life situations
what are clients taught in REBT
- skills/tools to identify and dispute irrational that have been acquired and self-constructed.
- replace detrimental ways of thinking with effective and rational cognition
- changing emotional expeirience and their reactions to situations
Therapist is the – while the client is the –
teacher; learner
True or false
Homework is an important aspect of REBT
how do we learn irrational beliefs?
in childhood and recreating those beliefs through lifetime.
How do people reinforce self-defeating beliefs?
through autosuggestion and self reptition in ways that are consistent with those beliefs
process of making self-statements, usually silent, that clients accept and believe, in order to evoke relaxation responses
3 musts that lead to self defeat
- i must do well and be loved and approved by others
- other people must treat me fairly, kindly, and well
- the world and living condiotns must be comfortable, gratifying and just providing me with all i want in life
what is the point of the ABC framework of REBT
understand clients feelings, thoughts, events and behavior
A (as in ABC method of REBT)
activating event exists
B- (ABC method REBT)
beliefs the individual holds about the activating event
c (ABC method REBT)
consequence/ emotional/behavioral reactions
does A cause C in the ABC method
no, the persons Beliefs about A largely causes C
D (in the ABCDE method of REBT)
disputing process; discriminate irrational beliefs from rational beliefs
E (in the ABCDE method)
encouraged to develp effective philosophy
what is the heart of REBT
- humans are largely responsible for creating their own emotional reactions and disturbances
- show people how they can change their irrational beliefs
theraputic goals of REBT
- clients minimize emotional disturbances and self defeating behaviors by acquiring more realistic, workable and compassionate philosophy of life
- collab btwn therapist/client to choose realistic and life enhancing goals
- change dysfunctional emotions and behaviors into healthy ones
- client achieve unconditional self-acceptance, unconditonal other acceptance, and unconditional life acceptance
- more accepting of themeselves, more able to accept others and accept life
Therapist function (REBT)
- show clients how they incorporated irrational “should”, “oughts” “musts” into thinkign
- dispute clients irrational beliefs and encourage client to engage in activities that will counter self-defeating beliefs ; replace musts with preferences
- demonstrate how clients are keeping emotional disturbances active by disordered thinking
- encourages clients to identify irrational beliefs they have accepted
- encourage clients to develop rational philosophy of life
client experience (REBT)
- emphasizes here and now experiences and present ability to change the patterns of thinking and emoting
- don’t delve into the past much
- clients do homewoek to become proficient in minimizing irrational thinking
Relationship between therapist and clietn (REBT)
- warm relationship reccommended
- therapist teaches client how to dispute their dysfunctional beliefs
- therapist accept clients as imperfect beings
- relies on thinking, disputing, debating , challenging and interpreting
emotive techniques
- rational emotive imagery
- humor
- role playing
- shame-attacking excercises
- behavioral techniques
rational emotive imagery
- clients imagine one of the worst things that could happen to them; they describe their disturbing feelings
- show how to train themselves to develop healthy emotions, and as their feeligns about challenges change they will have better chance at perservering
shame-attacking excercises
aimed increasing self-acceptance and mature responsibility and realize things they consider shameful is how they define reality
behavioral techniques in REBT
- operant conditoning
- self-management principles
- systematic desensitization
- relaxation techniques
- modeling
negative cognitive triad
- criticism
- pessimism
- hoplessness
three theoretical assumptions of cognitive therapy
- people thought processes are accessible to introspection
- peoples beliefs have highly personal meanings
- people can discover these meaning themselves rather than being taught or having them interpreted by therapist
some principles Aaron becks cognitive therapy is based on
- psychological disorder begins with normal emotions and behaviors that become disproportionate to life events in degree or frequency
- when we think in distorted waya, we wxperience distorted emotional and behavioral reactions
common cognitive distortions Beck identified
- arbitrary influences; conclusions drawn w/o supporting evidence
- selective abstraction; forming conclusions based on isolated detail of event
- overgeneralization
- magnification and minimization
- personalization; relating external events to themselves
- labeling and mislabeling; portraying one’s identity on basis of mistakes and imperfections
- dichotomous thinking
basic priniples CT
- percieves psychologicl problems as exaggeration of adaptive responses resulting from commonplace cog. distortions
- insight focused therapy that emphasize recognizing and changing unrealistic thoughts and maladaptive beliefs
- involves designing specifc learning experiences to help cients understand links between thought, behaviors and emotions, physical responses and situations
what is the goal of CT
help learn practical skills they can use to make changes in their thoughts, behaviors and emotions and how to sustain these changes
differences between CT and REBT
- REBT is highly directive, persuasive, confrontational; therapist is teacher.
- CT uses socratic dialogue, posing open ended questions; aim of getting clients to reflect on personal issues and arrive at own conclusion. more emphasis on helping clients identify misconceptions for themselves rather than being taught.
- ellis works to pursuade clients that certain of their beliefs are irrational and nonfunctional
- Beck views clients beliefs as distorted beliefs as being result of cognitive errors rather than being driven solely by irrational belefs
relationship between client and therapist in CT
- combine empathy and sensitivity w technical competence
- identify specific, measurable goals more directly into the areas that are causeing most difficulty
- continuously active and deliberately interactive with clients, helping clients frame their conclusions in form of testable hypothesis
ways to apply cognitive techniques
- behavioral techniques such as activity scheduling, bx experiements, skills training, role playing, bx rehersal and exposure therapy
treatment approaches
ct broadly
- thought records - help clients identify negative automatic thoughts and test them
- helped to create action plan
- emphasizes schema which is defines as core beliefs
Strength based cognitive behavioral therapy
- variant of Beck’s CT
- developed by Christine Padesky and Kathleen Mooney.
- active incorporation of clients strengths encourages clients to engage more fully in therapy and often provides avenues for change that otherwise would be missed
basic principles of CT
- therapists should be knowlwdgeable about evidence based approaches pertaining to client issues discussed in therapy
- clients asked to make observations and describe the details of their life experiences
- collaborate in testing beliefs and experiment w new bx to see if they achieve desired goals
- show how positive interests/strengths identified in early therapy sessions can provide infor to help therapist
- help clients develop and construct new positive ways of interacting in the world
relationship of client therapist CT
- therapist collaborative active, here and now focused and client centered
- encouraging allies of their clients and need to be genuine, caring and willing to engage w/ clients as full humans with struggles and successes
- don’t take expert stance, serve as curious assistants or guides to their clients own discovery
- socratic questioning
characteristics of Donald Meichenbaum’s cognitive Behavior modification
- focuses on client’s self talk
- if they want to change bx must notice how they think feel and behave and the impact it has on others
- may be more effective to change bx rather than thinking
- practice self-instructions and the desireable bx in a ole play situation
- bx changes through sequence of mediating process involving interaction of inner speech, cognitive structures, and bx and the outcomes
3 phases of Meichenbaums CT
- self observation
- start new internal dialogue
- learning new skills
stress inoculation training
- coping skills program- psychological and behavioral analog to immunization
- affect ability to cope w stress by modifying beliefs and self statements about our performance in stressful situations
- combo of info giving, socratic discovery oriented inquiry, cognitive restructuring, problem solving, relaxtion training, bx rehersal, self-monitoring, self instruction, self reinforcement and modifying environmental situations
- expose clients to anxiety provoking situations by means of role playing
- clients evaluate anxirty levels
- teach clients to be aware of the anxiety provoking cognitions they experience
- reevaluate selfstatements
3 phases of stress innoculation training
- conceptual educational phase
- skills acqusition and consolidation
- application and follow through
cognitive narrative approach
- focus on plots, characters and themes in stories abt clients life
- therapists teach clients to see their multiple narratives
- clients develop own voice, proud of accomplishments, take ownership of changes
limitation to Ellis REBT
- question assumption that past exploring is ineffective
- therapist’s idea of what is irattional imposed
- confrontation might not work for cients
limitations to Becks CT
- focus too much on positive thinking
- fails to explore underlying causes of difficulties