cognition- executive function Flashcards
central executive function
-mental processes for regulating and controlling other cognitive processes, in particular in relation to complex actions
why are they called ‘executive’
-they manage task processing
-they are not actually involved in performing the task
the three major executive functions
executive function : inhibition
-inhibition : control ones attention, behaviour, thoughts, and / or emotions to override a string internal predisposition or external lure
-can include inhibition of attention : resisting distractor interferences
-includes inhibition of action : inhibiting a prepotent response
-to switch flexibly between tasks or mental sets
-called shifting ability
-to monitor and engage in rapid addition or deletion of working memory contents
-eg removing stuff that’s not relevant anymore
tasks used to measure executive functions
-stroop task (stroop,1935)
ef inhibition of attention task
-to measure inhibition of attention people often use the stroop task
-name colours in which words are printed
-in congruent condition - the word green shows in green ink (response is faster as they just say green
-incongruent - the word green in red ink (response is red but slower response)
ef task inhibition of action
stop signal task (logan and cowan,1984)
-indicate the direction of the arrow, but stop responding when hearing a beep sound (the stop signal)
-by varying the time you play the stop sound you can measure the response and how could you are at inhibition of action
ef task shifting
number-letter task (rogers and monsell, 1995)
-part of the experiment you will only see a letter and a digit on the upper side of the screen, and you need to judge whether they are even or odd numbers
-in another section of the exp you will see the digit and letter combination on the lower side of the screen and you have to make a judgement on whether the letters are vowels or consonants
-but in the final part, you will see the combination of the letters and numbers one by one in clockwise order, so first make judgement on numbers then on the letters (and so the task is shifting)
-by comparing the reaction time it takes you to switch from this shifting task compared to the previous exp tasks , we can measure how long it takes for you to shift from one task to another
- ef updating
tone monitoring task (Larson, Merritt and Williams 1988)
-3 types of tones (high,low,medium) played in a random sequence
-respond when the 4th tone of each particular pitch was presented (eg after hearing the 4th low tone, the 4th medium tone, 4th high tone)
relationship between different executive functions
according to unity/diversity framework (Miyake and Friedman 2012) what do they say about it?
- each executive function has a component that is common to all executive functions
-and also has a component unique to that specific to that particular executive function
Miyake and Friedman 2012
-experiment on relationship among EF
-unity/diversity framework
-findings between the efs
-conducted experiment on the abilities of many participants
-did a sort of structure equation analysis so that they can understand a correlation
-for updating and shifting ability they do have a common executive function, and plus a specific updating component or specific shifting component
-for inhibition ability, almost perfectly overlaps with the common executive function
-according to their findings they believe the common executive function is the ability to maintain task goals and goal related information and use this information to effectively bias lower level processing
what is common for all executive functions (Miyake and Friedman 2012 ) findings
-according to their findings they believe the common executive function is the ability to maintain task goals and goal related information and use this information to effectively bias lower level processing
relationship among efs
-evidence/testing the unity/diversity framework (Hedden and Gabrieli 2010)
-used a brain imaging task
-in this task both inhibition and shifting function was measured
-tried to identify brain network that’s associated with inhibition task and shifting task (as its found previously these two functions overlap, so the brain network used for these 2 tasks should also overlap)
-global local task
-identify either the global (large letter) or the local (small letter) level on each trial, as cued by the colour
-congruent condition - global and local letter is the same
-incongruent condition - local and global letters conflict each other (H is made up of smaller local sses)
-congruent condition would require little inhibition function but the incongruent condition you would require more
-also measuring the shifting condition, by having two colours so if its blue eg you only judge the local letter and if its green you judge the global letter
evidence/testing the unity/diversity framework (Hedden and Gabrieli 2010)
-there was considerable overlap in the brain areas associated with inhibition and shifting
-there was also evidence of diversity, especially with respect to the inhibition
-does not support the unity framework as that suggests that inhibition function has nothing unique to itself (no diversity) but in the brain scans you can see parts of the brain solely associated with the inhibition function