Cognition Flashcards
define cognition
Ability to process and understand, store and retrieve information, make decisions and produce appropriate responses
What did William James believe about psychology
- empiricism
- tabula rasa
- learning theories
Describe the two laws of associationism
- law of contiguity: co-occurence of things in space and time
- law of frequency: how often things occur together
what do associations allow us to do
predict and control behaviour
What are the two dimensions of behaviourism
- physical observations: create laws of behaviour and laws of learning
- the mind: too abstract so cannot be studied directly (some denied the existence of the mind all together)
What two laws did Thorndike come up with
- Law of effect: basic behaviourist principle of learning
- animals learn responses to things which are rewarded
- animals drop responses to things that are punishing
- Law of exercise: the more often a given situation is followed by a particular response the stronger will be the associated bond between them (such as script learning)
What did Watson believe about psychology
- radical behaviourism
- psychology should be the study of correlations between stimuli and responses
What did Skinner believe about psychology
all explanations of behaviour are descriptions of environmental histories
- operant conditioning shapes behaviour
How did Tolman revolutionise psychology in terms of behaviourism
the emergence of animal cognition - explaining animal behaviour in terms of mental states and processes
- goal directed behaviour
What does latent learning refer to
exposure is enough to learn we don’t need reinforcement - relates to the maze experiments of rats where with each day the number of errors they made lowered
what is the concept of experimental psychology?
independent variables -> intervening variables -> dependent variables
what is the concept of behaviourism
causes -> outcomes
cognitive psychology
biological and environmental conditions -> psychological states and traits -> behavioural manifestations
what are some arguments against language learning?
- grammar is a system of rules for producing sentences
- assumption of a language acquisition device
- predisposed to acquire any natural language when we are born - not through learning or teaching
describe the stage models of cognition
these models assume that human cognition is based on modular sub systems
- breakdown in intellectual abilities has been interpreted as lesions to arrows and damage to boxes in arrows and boxes flow diagrams