Cognition Flashcards
Reference for study on dog salivation
(Pavlov, 1902)
Reference for cats in puzzle boxes ?
(Thorndike 1905)
Little Albert study reference
(Watson, 1920)
Operant procedures
Skinner 1953
Scheduels of reinforcement
Skinner 1957
Little Peter reference
Cover-jones 1924
Dual process theory reference
Groves and Thompson 1970
What is animal cognition ?
Cognition, includes all ways in which animals take in information through the senses, process, retain and decide to act on it
What is animal intelligence?
The various abilities of non human animals to solve problems in their environment through mechanisms of learning and animal cognition
The nervous system is made up of ….
The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system
The central nervous system is made up of…
The brain and the spinal chord
The peripheral nervous system is made up of …
Somatic - sensation and somatic muscles
and autonomic - smooth muscles
The autonomic (smooth muscles) are part of the peripheral nervous system. They are made up off….
Sympathetic - flight or fight responce
Parasympathetic (rest and digest)
How does information get transmitted
Sensory imput - Monitors external and internal changes in the environment
Integration - processes and collates the information
Motor output- signals effectpr organs to make the appropriate adaptive reponce
What is the Telencephalon or the Cerebrum?
Largest bit of the brain
Oviod shape formed in 2 specular hemispheres, separated by median longitudinal fissure
Frontal (motor)
Parietal (sensory)
Occipital (visual)
Temporal (auditory)
Olfactory (smell)
What was aristotles idea about animal intelligence (384-322 BCE)
Number of legs
The presence of blood and cardiocentrism
The heart was at the center and due to stimuli it would change the flow of blood which mechanically moved the limbs in the desired way
Rene descartes 1596-1650 famous quote and opinion of animal intelligence
“I think therefore I am”
Found similarities in human and animal minds but beloved only humans are capable of reason and intelligence
Speech is required for thoughts, animals lack this
What ideas did Charles Darwin 1809-1882 have ?
Continuity between species
Desent with modification
Natural selection
Differences in mental characteristics due to selection
Emotions and intellectual capabilities are seen in other animals and had to slowly develop over species for us to get them
Dreams in dogs?
Who was clever hans?
A maths teacher called wilhelmshaven von osten trained his horse hans to answer maths questions by tapping on the ground- visual queues were used to give hans the answers
What is behaviorism?
Thorndike, pavlov, Watson, amd skinner
American school of thought- stimuli , reposmces and their association change existing behavior and make new behavior
Animals are machines
Laboratory settings
What is ethology ?
Study of behavior in natural environment
Karl von Fritsch , konrad lorentz and niko tinburgen- all influenced by dawinian theory of evolution
Imprinting, social learning , song learning
Who was Niko tinbergen ? 1907-1988
Dutch ethologist, developed 4 questions to analyse behavior
Mechanism (causation), ontogeny (development) , adaptive value (function), phylogeny (evolution)
What are some different types of learning?
Simple non associative learning
Associative learning
Spatial learning
Perceptual learning
Complex learning
What is simple learning ?
Habituation - decrease in responsiveness produced by repeated simulation
Sensitisation -increase in responsiveness produced by repeated stimulation
What is associative learning (conditioning)
Classical conditioning- elicitation of conditioned responce by association of a conditioned stimulus to an unconditioned stimulus eg. Pavlovs dogs or little Albert
Operant (or instrumental ) conditioning
Emission of a behavioral reponce by association of such reponce to a reinforcer eg. Thorndikes puzzle box
What are the parts of an S R O learning model
Stimulus (simple learning)
Stimulus- Responce = classical conditioning
Stimulus + reponce - outcome = operant conditioning
What is spatial learning?
How animals relate to their environment and surroundings
To find food, reach home, avoid preditiors
Maze learning - utilisation of location of external landmarks (no conditioning)
Navigation - untlislation of relative position of landmarks and special senses
What is Perceptual learning
Observational learning or imitation
Animal watches conspecific doing a behavior and repeats it
Song learning is a form of this
Imprinting - social attachment of precocious offspring
What is Complex learning ?
Problem solving
Discrimination of abstract stimuli
Rule learning
Language learning
Examples of an elicited behavior (reflex)
Pain aversion
Flexor reflex
Corneal reflex