Cognetive Development Piagets Theory Flashcards
Describe the experiment of the sensorimotor stage?
The baby explored the world using its senses and motor skills a.k.a. movement. The baby has object permanents this is when we know something exists even though we cannot see it.
Piaget carried out experiments with a 4 month old and an 8month old baby. At four months when a rattle was covered by the baby lost interest this means that their baby no longer thoughts that the rattle exists however, at 8months the baby would carry on reaching for the rattle after it had been covered as The baby has object permanence.
What where Piagets research methods?
Naturalistic observation
His own three children took part and he took notes of the developments in a diary as they got older.
They also played and solved problems in their natural setting such as a playground or playing marbles
Define object permanence
This is when a baby from 0 to 2 years old believes that something still exists even though we cannot see it
Describe the preoperational stage
This is when children between the ages of 2 to 7 learn to use symbols and words to solve problems. They start to think however they make common mistakes. They are egocentric this means they can only see the world from their point of view. The experiments that Piaget did involved three mountains and the children were asked to look from the dolls point of view. Most children under the age of seven could not do this activity the most children over the age of seven could.
What does egocentric mean?
This is when a child between the ages of 2 to 7 can only save the world from their point of view.
Describe the concrete operational stage
This is when a child between the ages of 7 and 11 Are no longer egocentric and are able to think in reverse. They also understand that in inanimate objects do not have feelings e.g. Teddys.
They develop conservational skills, this is when a child understands that the properties of an object stay the same even if the appearance of an objects changes .
An example of this is the core study. This is when they had three glasses of water all of the same volume however the glasses were different sizes. Children that had conservational skills understood that even if you poured the water into a different shaped glass of volume was still the same amount
Volume conservation experiment (water volume)
What is the definition of conservation skills
This is when a child understands that the properties of an object stay the same even if the appearance of the objects change. This usually happens between the ages of 7-11 years old.
Describes the formal operational stage
Teenagers develop the ability to think and solve complicated and abstract problems known as, hypothetical thinking. This is when you solve a problem logically and seeing everything with the bigger picture.
What is a hypothetical thinking?
This is when children from the age of 11+ learn to solve sophisticated and abstract problems
At what stage do you develop body schema and motor coordination?
Sensorimotor stage 0-2 years
At what stage do you develop and is them and reversibility?
Pre-operational 2-7years
At what stage do you develop linguistic humour and seriation?
Concrete operational stage 7-11 years
What is Body Schema
When the infant recognises that something exists physically
The infant can recognise it’s self in a photo
What is motor coordination?
When the infant learns to coordinate different parts of the body eg. Hand to mouth for eating, learning how to move knees and hands for crawling
What is animism?
Children learn to treat objects as if they are alive
What is reversibility?
When a child is unable to work backwards.
What does de-centration mean?
When a child understands more than one feature of a situation or object
What is seriation?
The ability to put things in rank order
What is the definition of linguistic humour
When children start understanding word games
Describe the 3 mountains experiment
The children had to chose from 10 cards,one of which was the dolls point of view.
Most children under 7 could only see it from their point of view..ego centric