Coffee Break Spanish Lesson 1 Flashcards
To be bored stiff
Estar aburrido/a como una ostra
To delay
A flight
El vuelo
To do the shopping
Hacer la compra
How unlucky! What bad luck!
Qua mala suerte
To be boring
Ser aburrido/a
A magazine
Una revista
To entertain onself
Hasta que + subjunctive
To start doing something
Ponerse a algo
After doing something
Despues de + Infinitive
To put your foot in it (to the depths)
Meter la pata (hasta al fondo)
To smear, To get covered in mud
Don’t scare me (imperative)
No me asustes
You’ll never guess what happened to me
No sabes lo que me ha pasado
When saying goodbye…
Al despedirme
On purpose
A posta
I realized, to realize
Me di cuenta/darse cuenta
Consistent, honorable
To miss the mark, to not be on the ball
No dar pie con bola
The environment
El medio ambiente
I don’t know what was happening to him
No se que le pasaba
The speech
El discurso
The journalist
El/la periodista
I have nothing to do with
Tener nada que ver con
Seven times nine
Siete por nueve
Whats up with you today?
Que le pasa hoy?
To be exhausted
Estar reventado/a
To be dying to do something
Reventar de ganas