Coding workspace Flashcards
– endeavors of the US Department of Defense
– focused on scientific, military, and defense
– manage supply chain, ballistics, and cryptanalysis during the war
– independent research and progress
Early computers and software
◦ Computers use punch cards and paper tapes as I/O.
◦ Perform batch operation and processing only.
◦ Software development required deep knowledge and
understanding of machine language.
Early Days
What year is the human computer (occupation)?
A programmable electronic machine that accepts digitized input, processes according to a set of internally stored instructions, and produces the
resulting output information.
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
What year is Universal Computing machine?
1936 Turing Machine (Alan Turing)
A computer architecture based on 1945 description by John Von Neumann and others in the first draft of a report on the EDVAC.
Von Neumann Architecture
◦ Commercialization of early microprocessors.
◦ Computers used in business and institutions.
◦ Rise of more complex software and systems.
◦ The formalization of “software engineering”
1970s Microcomputer era
A simple abstract computational device intended to help investigate the extent and limitations of what can be computerized.
Universal Computing Machine
What year is the Von Neumann Architecture?
1945 Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
◦ Internet: new major platform for software.
◦ Rapid expansion of internet-based systems.
◦ Rise of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats.
◦ Counterfeit goods and piracy.
2000s Web Era
◦ The formalization of “software engineering” started in?
1968, 1972, and onwards.
◦ Widespread adoption of PC—MS-DOS and early GUIs.
◦ Monolithic architectures and object-oriented
1980s PC Era
◦ Rise of internet and server-based systems.
◦ Shift to client-server models.
◦ Popularity of email and web browsers.
◦ Growth of e-commerce.
1990s Client-Server Era
◦ Computers were expensive and bulky.
◦ Surge of OS and high-level programming languages.
◦ Lack of skilled engineers and the lack of competence
and experience—severely understaffed position.
1960s Mainframe Era