Coding, Capacity and Duration Flashcards
What type of approach is taken when studying memory?
Define short term memory.
Memory for things in the present or that have only just happened.
Define long term memory.
Memory for things that happened in the past.
Define capacity.
Refers to how much info can be held in memory at any one time.
Define coding.
When info is in the memory, it can be stored in different formats - this refers to how much info is changed and stored in the memory.
Define duration.
Refers to how long info can be held in memory.
What is the duration of the short term memory?
18 - 30 seconds
What is the capacity of the short term memory?
5 - 9 items
What is the coding of the short term memory?
Acoustically - listening.
What is the duration of the long term memory?
What is the capacity of the long term memory?
What is the coding of the long term memory?
Outline the key study for capacity - Jacobs, 1887.
- Researcher presents participants with 4 digits which they must recall in the correct order.
- Then they repeat this with increasing number of digis until the participant makes a mistake.
- Found that the average span was 9.3 for digits.
- Found that the mean span for letters was 7.3.
Define the term ‘digital span’.
The number of items that an individual can recall correctly.
Outline the second key study for capacity - Miller, 1956.
- Spotted that people can recall 5 words as well as 5 letters by using chunking.
Define the term ‘magic numbers’.
Suggested that the capacity of STM is about 7 items (+/-2).
Define the term ‘chunking’.
Grouping sets of digits or letters into units or chunks in order to aid recall.
List the 3 evaluation points for capacity.
- Capacity of STM
- Size of the Chunk
- Individual Differences
Explain the capacity evaluation point ‘capacity of STM’.
Alternative reserach suggests that the capacity of STM is actually about 4 items; the lower the end of Miller’s range (5) is more appropriate.
Explain the capacity evaluation point ‘size of the chunk’.
People have shorter memory spans for largers chunks e.g 8 word phrases, than smaller chunks.
Explain the capacity evaluation point ‘individual differences’.
Digit span increases with age - there may be an increase in brain capacity or that people develop strategies such as chunking to improve digit span.
List the four groups of participants in Baddeley’s coding key study.
- Acoustically similar words e.g cat, cab, can.
- Acoustically dissimilar words e.g pit, few, cow.
- Semantically similar words e.g great, large, big.
- Semantically dissimilar words e.g good, huge, hot.
Outline the key study for coding - Baddeley.
- Participants were shown the original words and then asked to recall them in the correct order.
What were the results for the key study for coding - Baddeley?
When participants had to recall the word list immediatley after they heard it - they did worse in this aspect with acoustically similar words.
When participants had to recall the list after a 20 minute interval - they did worse with semantically similar words.
List the 3 evaluation points for coding.
- Baddeley
- STM may not be exclusively acoustic.
- LTM may not be exclusively semantic.
Explain the coding evaluation point ‘Baddeley’.
- May not have been testing LTM.
- Lab experiment with artificial stimuli.
Explain the coding evaluation point ‘STM may not be exclusively acoustic’.
- Participants used visual coding if they were given a visual task and were prevented from doing any verbal rehearsal in the retention interval.
Explain the evaluation point ‘LTM may not be exclusively semantic’.
- Evidence that long term recall is related to visual and semantic categories.
- Evidence of acoustic coding in LTM.
Outline the key study for duration of LTM - Bahrick.
- Graduates from a high school aged 14 - 17.
- Recall tested using a yearbook.
- Length of time impacted success of recall.
What is meant by the term ‘free recall’?
Participants had to recall names of individuals in class.
What were the results of the photo recognition?
- Left school 15 years ago - 90% accuracy.
- Left school 48 years ago - 70% accuracy.
What were the results of the free recall?
- Left school 15 years ago - 60% accuracy.
- Left school 48 years ago - 30% accuracy.
List the 2 evaluation points for LTM duration.
- External Validity.
- Low Levels of Control.
Explain the LTM duration evaluation point ‘low levels of control’.
- There were many variables that may have affected recall e.g rehearsal/popularity.
Outline the key study for STM duration - Peterson + Peterson, 1959.
- Participants were given a trigram (3 letters) to remember.
- Then they counted back from a 3 digit number until told to stop. - The time that they were stopped vaired: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 seconds.
- The period of time is also known as the retention interval.
List the 2 evaluation points for STM duration.
- External validity.
- Displacement.
Explain what is meant by the STM duration evaluation point ‘displacement’.
- The letters may be displaced by the counting, rather than simply forgetting info.