Coding Flashcards
what does const int mean?
means this variable is a number (integer) that cannot change
What does pinMode mean?
is a command that means “activate this pin as either INPUT or OUTPUT”
What does digitalWrite mean?
is a command that means “send current to this pin; either full (HIGH) or none (LOW)”
What is a LED?
Light Emmitiing Diode
What is and Arduino Board?
An Arduino board is a programmable circuit board that can be used to power lots of electronic projects.
What is IDE?
(integrated development environment)
What is a Logic Statement?
In coding, a logic statement is where the code has to pick between something being TRUE or FALSE. This allows us to make our code and products more complex and allows us to do more things.
What is int buttonState?
is a variable that can be a number
What is digitalRead ?
digitalRead is a command that means “scan this pin and tell us whether current is HIGH or LOW”
What is int i ?
int i is a variable that we create as an ITERATOR
What is an iterator?
an object used to cycle through arguments or elements present in a collection.
What is analogWrite ?
is a command that means “send a specific amount of current (in this case, i) to a pin”
What is a while statement?
this allows us to repeat through a series of things until a condition is false.
What is a Motor Driver?
The Arduino board does not generate enough power to turn on and operate small DC (direct current) motors. That’s why we use an amplifier in between the Arduino and motor to increase the power so our motors can spin.
What does iterate mean?
perform or utter repeatedly.
What does delay mean?
What is Void loop?
repeates all code
What is void setup?
The void setup() is the first function to be executed in the sketch and it is executed only once
What does serial.write mean?
put this message on the output screen or the serial port
what does it mean when the button is low?
The button is pressed
what does anolog mean?
An analog signal can take on any number of values
what does serial begin mean?
Serial. begin() establishes serial communication between your Arduino board and another device.
What is the simplest logic statement called?
if /else statement
What is the thrid type of logic statement?
What is the second type of logic statement?
Another type of logic statement is the FOR statement. This allows us to iterate through a series of things.
What do voidsetups void loops and logic statements msut have at the bginning and end?
squiggly brackets
What is the order when coding?
Variable Decleration
Void setup
What is the short side of a LED
What is the long side of an LED
What is another word for the microcontroller?
the brains
Another word for code
what is the language called?
what is variable deceleration?
when you specify a type and an identifier but have not yet assigned a value to the variable. or Variable Definition. A variable definition is when you assign a value to a variable, typically with the assignment operator =.Jan 31, 2024