Codification in Germany (Prussia) Flashcards
How did ideas about unification emerge in proto- Germany
-German Wars of Lib. ,Battle of Leipzig:
-German states unite to defeat French
-sense of nationalistic identitiy reinforced
-argu. highlighted problem that caused them to be conquered by the French in the first place:
-no unification!
-debate ensures
-carries on into Franco-prussian war
What was F.C von Savigny’s opinion on German codification?
-He liked it but errrmm we not ready
-not at the point in the organic dev. of mall
-when we are at this point
-leg. science of examining his. dev. of law
-part. focus on dev. of Ro. Law
-establish main. principles of roman law
-use this to guide form. of codified law
What was Thibaut’s opinion on German unification?
-because we need legal unity 4
-political unity
(legal unity first)
What were the differences between Thibaut and Von Savigny’s schools of thought about German codification.?
-Thibaut–> LEGIS. should initiate GCC
-Von Savigny–> legal academia who studied his. dev. of RL should lead way
Describe the beliefs of Theodor Mommsen
-Theodor Mommsen (1817-1903) belonged to the German Forty-Eighters and wanted Germany to become and
unified state
Evaluate Windscheid’s role in the creation of the BGB
-took part in committee
-in charge of creation of the civil code
-often. is said that BGB contains too much of W’s perso. op.
-not found in w’s work= not found in bgb
-but additionally a lot of roman law:
-many thought it was too much
Who were the promininent critics of the Historical School of Thought?
-Rudolf von Jhering
Explain Rudolf von Jhering’s criticism on the historical school of thought
- began to see after teaching RL in acc. with HST
-not best way of legisl.
-Law not about legal concepts but LEGAL INT.
-jurisprudence based on interests the rightful guid. princ.
Explain interessen jurisprudenx
School of thought which stat. that:
-law should seek to balance legal interests in soc.
-resolve matters peacefully
What does Begriffsjurisprudenz mean
law based on legal concepts
State the main groups of opponents of the BGB
-School of Free Law/Freirechstschule
Explain the Freirechstschule’s criticism of the BGB
-Too many casus omissus allowed by the BGB
-not exhaustive enough
Explain the Freirechstschule’s solution to he problems of the BGB
-Introduce situation of ‘judge-king’
-when case is not act. dealt with by leg. prov. don’t use broad interpr.(dishonest)
-appoint judge as king
-not bound by provisions
-can come up with own solu. (with ratio)
Explain the Nazi’s criticisms of the BGB
-POINT 19 OF 25 PP
Why was Roman law accepted by the German countries
-although dogmatically opposed to RL by ideo.
-judges reinterpreted princ. of BGB
+ provisions in the interest of the Nazis (Umdeutung)
-nazis don’t necessarily like this believed in fuhrerprinzip
-orders come straight from Fuhrer
-but aint no body got time for that
historical school of thought (Savigny)
Describe how Germany law significantly reformed after WW2
- New constitution: Grundgetez
-some prev. measures to prev. rise of power of dic. rulers
-No emergency power measures
-offers judicial review
-can invalidate laws based on HRs.