Code Types Flashcards
Somatic discomfort & pain
Concerned with health
High levels of discomfort before becoming motivated to change
prefers medical explanations of symptoms
Immature, egocentric, selfish,
Harbors resentment and hostility toward those who are perceived as not offering enough attention and support
not motivated for psychotherapy; expects definite answers and solutions to problems
Severe hypochondriacal symptoms
rebellious towards home but doesn’t’ express those feelings
Harbors feelings of hostlity and aggression but can’t express them in modulated, adaptive manner; either inhibited and “bottled-up” or overly belligerent and abrasive; feels socially inadequate
Extreme distress and turmoil; anxious, tense, restless; somatic complaints; reluctant to accept psychological explanations; superficially extraverted, aggressive, and belligerent but actually passive-dependent person who is trying to deny it;
Typically does not experience disabling anxiety but does feel nervous, tense, worried; sad, depressed;
passive, docile, dependent
over controlled
Functions at lowered level of efficiency for long periods; tolerates a great deal of unhappiness
often difficult with law. impulsive and unable to delay gratification
Frustrated by lack of own accomplishments
energetic, sociable, outgoing, creates favorable first impression
anxious, tense, nervous
strong need for achievement and recognition for accomplishments; high expectations for self and another
docile and passive-dependant in relationships
anxious, agitated, tense, jumpy
dependent, unassertive, irritable, resentful
suggestive of serious maladjustments
self centered, narcissistic
anxious, tense
uses alcohol as escape
chronic, intense anger
problems with uncontrolled anger expression
deep chronic feelings of hostility
problems do not seem acute or incapacitating
moderate tension and anxiety
Intense psychological turmoil; anxious, tense, nervous; fearful, worried; phobias; depression and feelings of hopelessness;
Immature, narcissistic, self-indulgent; passive dependent;
makes excessive demands on others for attention and sympathy; resentful of demands made on them
Alternates between periods of gross insensitivity to the consequences of own actions and excessive concern about the effects of own behavior; episodes of acting-out followed by temporary guilt and self- condemnation;
Marked disregard for social standards and values; antisocial behavior; poorly developed conscience, easy morals, fluctuating ethical values; wide array of delinquent acts (alcoholism, fighting, sexual acting-out, etc.
Narcissistic, selfish
Intense feelings of inferiority and insecurity; lacks self-confidence and self- esteem; feels guilty about perceived failures; withdrawal from activity; emotional apathy; suicidal ideaLon; not involved with other people; suspicious and distrustful; avoids deep emotoonal Les; deficient in social skills
usually diagnosed with schizophrenia
very dependent; strong need for affection; vulnerable to real or imagined threat; feels anxious much of the time; may be tearful and trembly; overreacts to minor stress; responds to severe stress by withdrawing into fantasy;
Great deal of turmoil; not hesitant to admit to psychological problems; lacks defenses to keep self comfortable; depressed, worried, tense, nervous; may be confused and in state of panic; poor judgment; doesn’t profit from experience; introspective; ruminative, overideational
personality disorder equally liklely
self-centered, infantile in expectations of others; demands much anention; becomes resentful and hostile when demands are not met; fears emotional involvement; avoids close relationships; socially withdrawn and isolated; especially uncomfortable in heterosexual relationships; poor sexual adjustment