Code 3 Driving Flashcards
Code 3 driving is _____
a situation requiring an emergency response is one that requires an immediate law enforcement response for the protection of life or property.
Code 3 response would be appropriate for:
a. Any life-threatening situation.
b. Serious crime in progress.
c. Peace officer needs assistance.
d. Traffic collision involving major injuries or posing an unusual traffic safety issue.
e. Response to, but not returning from, a fire.
f. Pursuit operations.
g. Rescue.
CVC 17001 states that public entities are liable for death, injury, or property damage when:
(1) Officers are not acting within the scope of their law enforcement duties.
(2) Officers commit a negligent or wrongful act or omission.
(3) An officer’s actions are the cause of death, injury, or property damage.
CVC 17004 states that officers are not liable for civil
damages for death, injury, or property damage when:
(1) Operating an authorized law enforcement vehicle
with due regard for public safety while:
(a) Responding to an emergency call.
(b) In immediate pursuit.
(c) Responding to, but not returning from, a fire alarm.
CVC 21055 provides that, as drivers of law enforcement vehicles, peace officers _____
do not have to abide by certain traffic laws when they are driving under the authorized emergency response conditions.
CVC 21052 provides that peace officers _____
must comply with all the rules of the road when not engaged in Code 3 or pursuit driving.
CVC 21055 provides that peace officers _____
are exempt from certain rules of the road while displaying a forward-facing red light and sounding a siren as reasonably necessary when responding to the following: (FERP)
(1) Fire.
(2) Emergency.
(3) Rescue.
(4) Pursuit.
CVC 21056 provides that peace officers _____
must drive with due regard for the safety of others.
CVC 21057 provides that peace officers _____
are prohibited from using siren or speeding when serving as an escort except for preservation of life, movement of supplies for emergency or war.
CVC 21806 provides that drivers encountering an emergency vehicle displaying a red light and sounding
a siren must, _____
(1) Yield the right-of-way.
(2) Immediately yield to the right side of the road.
(3) Stop.
Peace officers fail to exercise due regard for the safety of all persons and property if:
(1) They violate a statute, ordinance, or regulation of their agency.
(2) The violation causes death, injury, or property damage.
Peace officers must always utilize exemplary _____
Peace officers must always drive _____
at a speed that is reasonable and prudent.
Code 3 response: Peace officers must give other drivers _____
a chance to yield the right-of-way.
Code 3 response: Peace officers should avoid passing on the _____
right while operating Code 3. A driver who reacts late may turn into the emergency vehicle’s path.
Code 3 response: Peace officers should take extreme care when _____
driving into opposing traffic lanes.
Emergency warning devices include:
(1) Light bar
(2) Wig-wag lights
(3) Siren “Wail, Yelp”
Emergency warning devices are limited by heavy traffic because _____
As traffic noise increases, motorists’ ability
to hear the siren decreases.
Emergency warning devices are limited by fog, rain, and snow because _____
emergency lights are less effective.
Emergency warning devices are limited by congested urban areas because _____
(a) Buildings can block and deflect the sound of the siren.
(b) Trees and bushes can absorb the sound of the siren.
(c) Motorists may have difficulty differentiating emergency lights from the array of other lighting in the area.
Emergency warning devices are limited by high speed because _____
(a) As speed increases, the effectiveness of the siren decreases.
(b) Due to a delay in perception, drivers may not have sufficient time to react to the siren.
Emergency warning devices are limited by other drivers because _____
they may be distracted or prevented from hearing or seeing emergency vehicles by numerous distractions within the vehicle such as, passengers, electronics, radio.
Code 3 response, other drivers can be _____
unpredictable and may;
(1) Panic stopping.
(2) Turning suddenly.
(3) Sudden lane changes.
(4) Accelerating suddenly.
(5) Not responding at all.
Your, or other emergency vehicles siren(s) may
drown out the sound of other sirens, so be aware of other units responding to the same call or another call.
Radio communication considerations:
(1) Stay calm and speak clearly.
(2) Use the radio on straight stretches of roadway.
(3) Roll windows up to reduce outside noise.
(4) Avoid using the Mobile Digital Computer while driving.
(5) Avoid using the radio while clearing intersections.
Siren syndrome may include:
(1) Tunnel vision.
(2) Loss of speed reference.
(3) Elevated pitch of voice/rapid speech.
(4) Temporary loss of fine motor skills.
(5) Increased perspiration, elevated heart rate.
(6) Impaired decision-making.
Minimize the effects of siren syndrome by:
(1) Make a conscious decision to remain calm.
(2) Control breathing.
(3) Recognize tunnel vision and maintain a high visual horizon.
(4) Check speedometer to maintain speed reference.
Code 3 response at intersections are _____
the greatest potential for collisions.
Code 3 response at intersections. Approach:
(a) Evaluate traffic conditions.
(b) Position vehicle for maximum visibility.
(c) Slow down.
(d) Fluctuate the siren.
(e) Stop when necessary.
Code 3 response at intersections. Clearing the intersection:
(a) Allow time for other drivers to react.
(b) Clear lane by lane by looking left, front, right, and left all the way through the intersection.
(c) Look for other emergency vehicles responding Code 3.
(d) Make eye contact with the other drivers or pedestrians who appear to be yielding the right-of-way.
(e) Be prepared to stop if necessary.