COBIT Flashcards
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and RElated Technology
COBIT 5 five key principles
Stakeholder Drivers Stakeholder Needs Value Creation Realization of Benefits Optimization of Risk Optimal Use of Resources Enterprise Goals IT-RElated Goals Enablers
Corbett five COBE IT five
COBE IT has five principles
Asserts that value creation is the most basic stakeholder need and that’s the fundamental goal of any enterprise.
Value creation in this model is achieved by balancing three components
Realization of benefits
Optimization which is not minimization of risk optimal use of resources
COBIT 5 What are the 5 Key Principles
- Meeting stakeholder needs
- Covering the Enterprise End to End
- Applying a Single Integrated Framework (regardless of hardware and software used)
- Enabling a Holistic Approach (enablers)
- Separating Governance from Management
Enabling a Holistic Approach - What are the seven categories of enablers that support comprehensive IT governance and management.
Notice they are like the control environment characteristics in COSO
- Principles, Policies and Frameworks
- Processes
- Organizational Structures
- Culture, Ethics and Behavior
- Information
- Services, infrastructure and applications
- People, skills and competencies
Last three are classified as resources, the use of which must be optimized
Of the seven categories of enablers, which are resources that must be optimized
Services, Infrastructure and Applications
People, Skills and Competencies
SEparating Governance from Management: What are the four responsibility areas that must be addressed
Goals for the Information Security Program
Steps to Creating an Information Security Plan
Identify Threats
Identify Risks
Design Controls to Compensate
Incorporate the Controls into Coherent, Enterprise-Wide Plan
Set forth Policies So People Are Aware of Expectations, both internal and external users
COBIT 5 - Steps in creating the information security plan. What are the two phases of risk analysis? P. 378
Determining the likelihood of risk
Determining the level of damage that good be done
Example: Sabotage could be very damaging but risk is low
The Depreciation tax shield is?
Cash provided by recording depreciation.
A reduction in income taxes.
The answer is a reduction in income taxes.
Though it does contribute to cash flow, I guess the cash isn’t “provided” it’s just shielded from being an outflow.
What are generic controls.
Generic IT controls can be classified in the traditional 3 ways that internal controls are.
Preventative Controls two types
Physical and Logical
Physical Controls are
preventative controls (there are two here) the other is logical
Logical Controls Are _________ controls
There are 2 here the other is physical
Physical Preventative Control Example
Locked Doors
Segregation of Duties Policy
What type of IT control is a segregation of duties policy
Physical preventive control (really?) It’s from the Gleim book.
What are some examples of logical preventive controls.
These are all the input controls listed below. They make sure data is authorized, complete and accurate. There are online input and batch input controls.
Authorization (AP supervisor authorizes batch b4 submitted for recording)
Controls Programmed into the system - also known as edit routines
Edit (field) checks
Limit (reasonableness) checks and range checks
Validity Checks
Sequence Checks
Closed Loop Verification
Check Digit Verification
Edit Check - Other name for it, type of check
Also called field check, input control, preventative
No invalid characters e.g., no letters in social security numbers
Limit Checks, other name, type, example
Reasonableness, preventative, input check
Hours worked cannot exceed 80 without authorization
type, example
Input control, preventative
vendor must be in master file
Sequence Checks type, example
input, preventative
sort files on a key before matching
accounts payable transaction file and master filed sorted according to vendor number and should be in order
done before matching
Close-Loop Verifiation type, example
Input, Preventive
Sends input back to the computer after processing