Coasts key words Flashcards
A form of erosion where loose material and sediment erodes the walls and floor of the river cliff or glacier.
The upper beach closest to the land including any cliffs or sand dunes
A section of sand caused by deposition
Beach morphology
The surface shape of the beach
Beach nourishment
The addition of sand and sediment to and eroding beach by humans.
Coastal recession
The retreat of a coastline due to erosion, sea level rise or submergence
Concordant coast
A coastline where bands of alternate geology run parallel to the coast
A form of mechanical erosion where material and sediment in the sea is flung at the cliff face as waves break against it
The weak acid in seawater and some types of seaweed react with particular rock minerals causing erosion and weakening
Dalmatian coast
A concordant coastline with several river valleys running perpendicular to the coast. These valleys become flooded duet sea level rise and produce long islands
Discordant coast
A coastline where bands of alternate geology run perpendicular to the shore
Dynamic equilibrium
A system where inputs and outputs are in balance.
Emergent coast
A coastline that is advancing relative to the sea level at the time
The point at where the river meets an ocean. Sometimes they become exposed at low tide
Global changes to sea level