Coasts Flashcards
What is the Sediment cell we study called and what are it’s sub cells
-South downs Sediment cell
-East and West Brighton marina
What direction is the movement at South downs
48% East to West
How much Sediment is removed via dredging (south downs)
32,000m³ at shoreham
How much output is there (south downs)
5,000 m³
Input at South downs
Pangenhan = 2,800m³
Beachy head = 5,000m³ gravel and sand
How much of the coast is protected ( south downs)
What are cornish coast rocks and how much do they erode
Granite 0.1cm/ year
What are holderness coast rocks and how much do they erode
Boulder clay 1m/ year
How much deposition is there at puck bay
1.67mm/ year
Blowhole/ geo where is it
Playa de Guadamia
Blowhole/ geo what are the rocks
Limestone cliff with vertices joints
Blowhole is 10m from cliff
Arch example
Durdle door
Stack example
Twelve apostles
Stump example
Old Harry
Cliff and shore platform example
Broad bench, Kimmerage Dorset- limestone and flint