Coasts Flashcards
The components of a landscape system
A system is a set of interrelated objects comprised of components and processes that are connected to form a working unit.
Energy available to a coastal system is kinetic, potential and thermal – allowing geomorphic processes to happen.
Input - energy and matter transferred from neighbouring systems.
Output – transferred to neighbouring systems.
Open and closed systems (inc. coasts)
Open systems – sediment is transferred between systems. There are inputs and outputs.
Coasts: inputs - kinetic from wind/waves, thermal from sun, potential from position of deposition material on slopes.
Outputs – marine and wind erosion, evaporation.
Throughputs – sediment accumulation, sediment movement (longshore drift).
Closed systems – no transfer of sediment.
e.g., sediment cells
Dynamic equilibrium
A systems inputs and outputs are equal.
Sediment being added is equal to sediment being removed.
If this equilibrium is disturbed, the system self-regulates to restore the equilibrium (negative feedback).
what are the features of a sediment cell?
how many?
Large stretch of coastline
Movement of coarse sediment is self-contained
Closed system
Due to wind, sediment is transferred between some cells
There are 11 on the coast of England and Wales
Sub-cells within major cells
Boundaries are determined by topography e.g.; Land’s End is a natural barrier to sediment being transferred to adjacent cell.
Coasts are influenced by physical factors - wind
Wave energy is generated by the frictional drag of winds moving across the surface.
The higher the wind speed and the longer the fetch, the larger the waves and the more energy they have.
If winds approach at an oblique angle, waves will approach coast obliquely and cause longshore drift.
Wind also carries out erosion, deposition and transportation.
anatomy of waves
swell and storm waves
Moving waves do not move water forward but the waves impart a circular motion to the individual molecules.
Anatomy: crest – highest, trough – lowest and the distance between is wave height. Distance between two crests is wavelength.
Swell waves – formed in open oceans, long wavelength, 20s wave period.
Storm waves - short wavelength, greater height and shorter wave period.
Types of waves
As waves approach the shoreline, friction with the seafloor changes the speed, direction and shape of waves.
As waves drag across the bottom they slow down, wavelength decreases and waves bunch up. The deepest part of wave slows down more than top and so it begins to steepen, eventually toppling over.
Spilling – steep waves break onto gently sloping beaches.
Plunging - moderately steep waves breaking onto steep beaches.
Surging – low angle waves break onto steep beaches.
Constructive and destructive
Constructive: low height, long wavelength, 6 min frequency. Break as spilling waves. Due to long wavelength, backwash returns to sea before next wave breaks, so next uninterrupted swash movement retains energy. Swash energy exceeds backwash energy.
Destructive: greater height, shorter wavelength, 12/minute frequency. Break as plunging waves. There is little energy to move water as swash, friction from steep beach slows the swash so it does not travel far before returning as backwash. Swash energy is less than backwash energy.
what are the features of tides?
high tide/neap tide
tidal range
Tides are the periodic rise and fall of sea surface, caused by gravitational pull of moon and sun.
The moon pulls the water towards it, creating a high tide. Between two bulges is a low tide.
High tide follows the moon as it orbits the earth, and the spring tide will be when moon, sun are earth are aligned (twice each lunar month).
Twice a month there’s weak pull as sun and moon are at right angles, so a neap tide.
tidal range is vertical distance between high and low tide.
low tidal range produces a narrow beach which is prone to higher wave erosion. (Mediterranean).
Range influences where wave action occurs and weathering processes.
Rip currents – caused by waves breaking at a right angle. Water from top of large waves travels further up shore and when travels as backwash it meets where lower height waves broke. The rip currents create cusps.
Ocean currents – generated by Earth’s rotation and convection. Warm ocean currents transfer heat energy to poles and cold currents move water to equator. Driven by off-shore wind so has little impact on geomorphic processes, but transfer of heat energy affects sub-aerial processes.
Lithology and structure
Rocks with weak lithology have limited resistance to erosion, weathering and mass movement e.g., clay.
Basalt and stronger rocks are more resistant and likely to form cliffs and headlands.
Concerns jointing, bedding, faulting and permeability. Porous rocks (chalk) can absorb and store water.
Primary permeability – pores absorb water.
Secondary permeability - water seeps into joints.
Rock outcrops parallel to coast produces concordant coastline.
Rocks at right angle to coast produce discordant coastline - headlands and bays.
Sediment sources
Terrestrial: coastlines with steep gradient have rivers directly deposit sediment or during floods. 80% is from rivers. Sediment originates from the erosion of inland areas by water, wind, ice.
Waves: cliff erosion amplified by rising sea level and storm surges – can supply up to 70%. Longshore drift moves sediment.
Offshore: constructive waves deposit and add to sediment budget. Wind transports fine sediment from sand bars, dunes and other beaches.
Human: beach nourishment maintains sediment equilibrium; dumped by lorry or through pipeline.
Physical Weathering
Physical: surface area of the rock is increased, allowing further weathering to take place.
Freeze thaw - water in cracks expands 10% when it freezes.
Pressure release - when overlying rocks are removed, the underlying rock expands and fractures parallel to the surface.
Thermal expansion - rocks expand when heated and contract when cooled. If there is a repeated cycle of temperature change, layers of rock flake off.
Salt crystallization - solutions of salt seep into pore spaces and form crystals, this causes stress, and the rock disintegrates. Sodium sulphate expands 300%.
Chemical Weathering
Chemical – reactions between moisture and minerals in the rocks. Reduces the rock to its chemical parts or alters its composition. Produces weak residues which are removed by erosion/transportation.
Oxidation - reacts with oxygen in air or water . Iron becomes soluble under acidic conditions and its structure is destroyed.
Carbonation - rainwater combines with dissolved CO2 producing a weak carbonic acid, it reacts with calcium carbonate in rocks to produce calcium bicarbonate which is soluble.
Solution - some salts are soluble in water, any process by which a mineral dissolves in water.
Hydrolysis - silicates combine with water producing secondary materials such as clay.
Hydration - water molecules added to rock minerals creates new minerals of a larger volumes. Hydration causes surface flaking.
Biological Weathering
Biological: consist of physical actions such as the growth of plant roots or chemical processes by organic acids.
Tree roots – they grow into cracks/joints in rocks and exert pressure. When trees fall, their roots exert leverage and pull rocks to the surface, exposing them to further weathering processes. Burrowing animals have a similar effect.
Organic acids - cause soil water to become more acidic and react with some minerals (chelation). Molluscs on shore platforms secrete acids which produce small surface hollows in rocks.
Mass Movement - rock fall/slides/slumps
When gravity exceeds the forces trying to keep the material on the slope, friction.
Mass movement on cliffs adds material to the sediment budget by transferring rocks and regolith onto the shore below.
Rock fall - 40-degree cliffs, rocks become detached due to physical weathering and fall to the foot of cliff under gravity. Wave processes remove this, or it may accumulate as a scree slope.
Slides - linear (along a straight-line slip plane, such as a fault or a bedding plane) or rotational (along a curved slip plane, also known as slumps).
Occur due to undercutting which removes support for materials above.
Slumps common in weak rocks such as clay which becomes heavier when wet, adding to downslope force.
Wave Processes – Erosion
Abrasion – rock rubbing against rocks.
Attrition - rock particles collide with each other and get worn away, becoming smoother, smaller and rounder.
Hydraulic action – air and water get trapped in crevices and become compressed, expands and the crack is widened.
Pounding - mass of a breaking wave exerts pressure on a rock and weakens it.
Corrosion - dissolving minerals in coastal rocks. Only significant if water is locally polluted or acidic and if there’s significant amounts of soluble minerals.
Wave Processes - Transportation
Solution – minerals dissolved in water.
Suspension - small particles of sand carried by currents.
Saltation – irregular movements of heavy materials, too heavy for suspension. Carried for a short distance and dropped again.
Traction - largest particles are pushed along sea floor by the force of flow. Largs take rest after partial rotations.
Wave Processes – Deposition
Material is deposited when there is a loss of energy, caused by a decrease in velocity or volume of water.
Takes place when: accumulation exceeds removal, waves slow down immediately after breaking, at the top of swash when water briefly stops moving, during backwash when water percolates into beach material, low energy environments sheltered from winds and waves.
Fluvial Erosion
Erosion in the upper catchment is the main source of a river’s sediment load.
Most channel erosion occurs during high-flow, high-energy events.
Similar erosional processes to waves.
Sediment is also derived from weathering and mass movement from valley sides.
Fluvial Transportation
Fluvial Deposition
As rivers enters the sea, their velocity decreases.
Tides and currents may be moving opposite to river flow, causing resistance to its movement.
River’s sediment load is deposited.
Energy reduction is progressive, so deposition occurs with the largest particles being deposited first and smaller particles being carried out to sea.
Flocculation - the meeting of fresh water and salt water causes clay particles to clump together, becoming heavier and sinking.
Aeolian Erosion
Wind moves sand particles by deflation, sand grains are moved at 40mph by surface rolling and saltation.
They are seldom carried in suspension, restricting abrasion to 1m and has limited effect on erosion of rocky coastlines and cliffs.
Erosive force increases with wind velocity.
Dry sand is easier to carry as wet sand increases cohesion between particles, helping them stick together.
Aeolian Transportation
Moving air transports material in the same way as water.
Once particles are entrained, they can be carried at speeds as low as 20km/hr and only the smallest grains can be carried in suspension.
Aeolian Deposition
Material is deposited when wind speed falls, as a result of surface friction.
In coastal areas this happens inland, where friction from vegetation and surface is higher than that of the open sea.
Cliffs and Shore Platforms
Destructive waves cause undercutting and a wave cut notch.
Continued undercutting weakens support for the rock strata above and collapses producing a steep profile and a cliff.
As this sequence continues, the cliff becomes higher and a gently sloping shore platforms cut into the base of the solid rock.
Eventually it becomes so wide that it produces shallow water and waves. Friction from the platform slows down approaching waves so undercutting slows and ceases.
Bays and Headlands
Form adjacent to each other due to the bands of rock with differing resistance to erosion.
The weaker rocks are eroded more rapidly to form bays and the more resistant rock remains leaving headlands.
Resulting in a discordant coastline.
Concordant coastlines are formed when the more resistant rock is seaward facing, protecting any weaker rocks inland.
Isle of Purbeck, Dorset: east facing discordant and south facing concordant.
Wave refraction
waves slowed by friction of shallower water by headland, water approaching bay in deeper water moves faster, the wave bends and refracts around the headland and orthogonals converge. Wave energy is focused on the headland and erosion happens there, in bays the orthogonals diverge and energy is dissipated leading to deposition.
Geos and Blowholes
Steep sided inlets.
Weak joints and faults are eroded more rapidly than the resistant rock around them.
Hydraulic action forces water and air into rock strata and weakens it.
Huntsman’s Leap, 35m deep in carboniferous limestone.
They may form from tunnel like caves which may suffer from roof collapse after much erosion.
If the roof collapses in a master joint, it may create a vertical shaft that reaches the cliff top – blowhole.
Waves can force spray out of the blowhole.
Caves, arches, stacks and stumps
Any points of weakness in a headland is eroded and a small cave may form on one side.
If the cave continues to enlarge to the other side, an arch is formed.
Continued erosion weakens the arches support and it may collapse leaving a stack.
Erosion at the base of the stack may cause it to collapse leaving a stump.
Old Harry Rocks
Accumulation of material deposited between low tide and high storm waves.
Material comes from cliff erosion, offshore and rivers.
Sand particles become compact when wet, little percolation during backwash. Little energy is lost to friction and little volume is lost due to percolation, so material is carried back down beach creating a gentle gradient, with ridges and runnels parallel to shore.
Shingle produces a steeper beach because swash is stronger than backwash so there is net movement of shingle onshore. Air spaces means more percolation and less backwash, so material is left at top of beach.
Storm waves hurl pebbles to beach front creating storm beaches.
Berms develop at position of average high tide mark resulting from deposition at top of swash.
Cusps are small semicircular depressions, formed when waves reach the same point and swash and backwash have similar energy.
High energy destructive = flatter profile, more friction and reduction in wave energy.
Low energy constructive = steeper profile, less friction and more wave energy.
Long narrow beaches that are attached to land and extend across a bay or estuary.
Formed by longshore drift happening predominately in one direction which carries material to the end of beach and out to open water.
Storms build up the material making the feature more permanent.
The ends often become curved due to a second wind direction or wave refraction.
Estuaries limited by river current.
In the sheltered area behind a spit a salt marsh forms.
Orford Ness East Anglia, formed across estuary of River Ore.
Onshore bars
If a spit continues to grow across an indentation, such as a bay, and reaches the land on the other side.
This forms a lagoon of brackish water.
Slapton Sands onshore bar, partly formed by onshore movement of sediment in the post-glacial sea level rise, and longshore drift.
Beaches that connect mainland to an offshore island.
Formed from spits that continue to grow seaward.
30km shingle beach at Chesil, Dorset may have been formed this way.
From low energy environments.
UK has 45500 ha of salt marshes.
Vegetated areas of deposited silts and clays.
Inundation and exposure as tides rise and fall.
Salt tolerant species and stems and leaves trap sediment adding to the height of the marsh. Roots stabilise the marsh.
The higher it becomes, the less submergence and less saline conditions, allowing more plant life.
Low marsh has high salinity, turbid water and long times of submergence.
Large areas of sediment at mouths of rivers.
Form where: rivers entering sea are carrying large sediment load, a broad continental shelf margin exists as a platform for sediment load, low energy environments in coastal area, tidal ranges are low.
Consists of the upper delta plain, the lower delta plain and the submerged delta plain.
Network of distributaries. Deposition in the channel forms bars which split into two channels with reduced energy.
Types of deltas
cuspate - a pointed extension to coastline, shaped by regular, gentle currents from opposite directions
arcuate - grows seawards but wave action is strong enough to smooth and trim its leading edge
bird’s foot - distributaries in a branching pattern, sediment supply exceeding rates of removal.
Nile Delta - features
Low energy coastal environment, rates of fluvial deposition have exceeded rates of marine erosion for over 3000 years.
It has a low discharge of 3000m3/s but still a large sediment load (91.3 million tonnes for the Blue Nile Basin).
The foreshore plane is characterised by elongated ridges, alternating with lagoons, salt marshes and alluvial deposits in depressions between them.
The frontal plain is south of foreshore plain and has scattered limestone outcrops and clay deposits.
The sandy zone is composed of sheets, dunes and hummocks.
Splits into distributaries at Cairo, 160km inland.
Before the Aswan High Dam was built in 1964, most of the delta would be briefly covered each year by the annual flood.
Alluvial deposits are 4m at Aswan and 9.6m in Cairo.
Wave action in the Mediterranean redistributes sediment at the front of the delta and forms curved barrier bars, closing off segments of the sea to form lagoons.
These form a sub-environment and become filled with fine sediment.
Nile Delta - coastal landforms
The prevailing northwesterly winds leads to waves coming from the west, northwest and north for 55% of the time, and the northeast 8% of the time.
This results in features such as an underwater sand bar (form at tideless seas).
Beaches west of Abu Qir headland have crescentic bar systems. These are associated with rip currents and longshore drift.
Parallel longshore bars exist along the delta from Abu Qir to Port Said. These are formed due to eastward longshore current and drift.
Nile Delta - changes to sediment budget
Since the building of the Aswan Dam an imbalance has been created in erosion and accretion.
Reduction in sediment accreted from 120 million tonnes/year to trace amounts.
This has accelerated erosion and coastal retreat to 148m/year.
Rising sea levels in the Mediterranean of 1.2mm/year have contributed to higher erosion rates, deeper water, more energy, waves reach further inland.
Saltburn - geology/energy
High energy coastal environment.
Geology: North York Moors rise 400m above sea level and are comprised of sandstones, shales and limestones. Flamborough Head is a chalk headland topped with till left behind by glaciers.
Energy: dominant waves are from north and northeast with 1500km fetch. Areas near Saltburn are north-facing and so receive highest inputs of wave energy. Areas of weak shale and clay have erosion rate of 0.8m/year and more resistant limestone erodes at 0.1m/year.
Wave height at Whitby Bay during 2010-2011 showed it often exceeds 4m.
High energy is also responsible for longshore drift.
The sediment movement is disrupted by headlands, so sand and shingle gathers to form beaches in bays such as Filey Bay.
Saltburn - sediment sources
Sub cell 1d, extending from St Abbs to Flamborough.
Some of this sediment comes from nearshore area, driven onshore as sea levels rose during the end of the last glacial period.
Also supplied from cliff erosion, sandstone, chalk and boulder clay deposits.
The river Esk supplies limited sediment due to construction of weirs and reinforced banks along its course.
Net increase of 9245m3 between 2008 and 2011 at Saltburn.
Saltburn - cliffs/shore platforms
Cliffs: sedimentary rocks is horizontally bedded so a vertical face. At Flamborough made of chalk which is strong and tightly bonded. 20-30m high with till lowered by mass movement to an angle of 40 degrees. Between Robin Hood’s Bay and Saltburn, the cliffs are higher with stepped profile showing varied geology. Steeper slope from limestone and gentler slope from clay.
Shore platforms: cliffs are retreating leaving behind rocky shore platforms e.g., Robin Hood’s Bay eroded into Lower Lias shales. Angle of 1 degree and extending 500m. Could have been formed during last 6000 years of stable sea levels or during last inter-glacial period when sea levels were similar to today.
Saltburn - headlands/bays/beaches/geos
Headlands and bays: variation in rock type has led to discordant platform at Robin Hood’s Bay. Relatively weak shales eroded, and more resistant areas of sandstone formed headlands of Ravenscar and Ness Point. The prominent headland at Flamborough is formed of chalk with deep bays either side formed of clay.
Landforms on headlands: due to wave refraction, wave energy is focused on resistant headlands and weaknesses are eroded to form caves and arches. These are visible at Selwick’s Bay on Flamborough Head. A major joint was enlarged, and erosion led to Green Stacks Pinnacle. Over 50 geos formed, and blowholes formed where vertical master joints were enlarged. Chalk and boulder clay collapsed into underlying caves leaving depressions on cliff tops.
Beaches: best beaches are found in low energy environments such as Filey Bay. Elsewhere, deposits of sand and shingle accumulate too slowly, and the high energy waves remove it before it can accumulate. Coastline lacks spits due to high tidal range of 4m and lack of estuarine environments providing sediment sinks.
Factors affecting climate change
Factors: variations in orbit around the sun every 400000 years, variations in energy produced by sun with solar maximum every 11 years, changes in atmosphere composition due to volcanic eruptions reducing solar radiation, and variations in the tilt of the axis every 41000 years.
Decreased temp means more precipitation in the form of snow which turns to ice and is stored on the land rather than returning to the ocean, resulting in a worldwide fall in sea level. Water molecules contract, increasing density and decreasing volume. 1C drop is a 2m fall.
130000 years ago, during interglacial period, temperatures were 3C higher and sea levels were 20m higher.
108000 years ago, during the glacial period temp was 7C lower and less water returned to the ocean and sea levels dropped by 100m, 83m lower than today.
Eustatic and isostatic change
Eustatic changes: changes in volume of global ocean store. Temperature affects volume and density.
Isostatic changes: changes in land level.
Emergent landforms
Raised beaches: former shore platforms left at a higher level than current sea level, found inland from present coastline.
Abandoned cliffs: found behind the beach with wave cut notches, caves, arches and stacks.
Marine terraces: much larger features than raised beaches, may not have cliffs above them, formed by marine erosion during a previous period of higher sea level.
Isle of Portland: raised beach of 15m above sea level. Limestone was eroded by hydraulic wave action at 1m/year during last inter-glacial period.
Modification to emergent landforms
These landforms are affected by weathering and mass movement.
Isle of Portland: 1.5m layer of frost shattered limestone on cliff, cliff face degraded by frost weathering processes leading to rock fall.
Cryoturbation: contortions in limestone, formed due to freezing and thawing of permafrost during the final glacial phase.
In post-glacial period, warmer and wetter conditions allowed vegetation to grow.
With further warming, degrading of the cliff will continue due to chemical weathering such as carbonation of limestone.
Biological weathering on raised beaches due to colonisation by marine organisms such as limpets.
If temperatures rise, sea level rise could cause emergent landforms to be found at the coastline and subjected to wave processes.
Submerged river valleys, the lowest part of rivers course and floodplains are drowned but higher land at the upper course is exposed.
Rias have a cross section of shallow water, becoming deeper towards the center.
Sloping exposed valley sides, winding reflecting the original route of the river and valley, formed by fluvial erosion within the channel.
Underlain by alluvial deposits in buried channels.
When sea levels rose in interglacial periods further deposition would have occurred as rivers had less energy for erosion. Padstow had sand washed in from Atlantic ocean and at low tide River Camel flows between sandbanks which are submerged at high tide.
Submerged glacial valleys, have steep valley sides and water is uniformly deep reaching over 1000m.
The Sogne Fjord, Norway has a U-shaped cross section, reflecting the shape of the old glacial valley.
Threshold: glacial rock basin with shallower section at the end, as a result of lower erosion rates at the seaward end of the valley as ice thinned in warmer conditions.
Fjords were further deepened by erosion during periods of deeper water.
As glaciers have receded, the volume of sediment increased due to deposition by meltwater.
Shingle beaches ???
As sea levels fall, land emerges, and sediment accumulates deposited by rivers, meltwater and low energy waves.
As sea levels rose, wave action pushed sediment on shore, at the base of cliffs or forming tombolos and bars.
Tombolo at Chesil Beach: sediment carried into English Channel by melt water and accumulated. As sea levels rose, sediment was carried by prevailing winds and became attached to Isle of Portland at one end and Abbotsbury mainland at the other.
Modification of submergent landforms
May be modified by wave processes and sub-aerial processes affecting the valley sides, reducing their steepness.
Water depth will increase, with sea levels rising 0.6m in the next 100 years.
Marine erosion will increase due to storms and larger waves.
With further sea level rise shingle may be moved further north-east and a breach of the Chesil tombolo is likely in storms.
In 2009, 1m pieces of shelly clay were washed up at West Bexington in a storm. This kind of sediment addition will become more likely with higher sea levels and storm events.
Coast being managed - Sandbanks - the need
High value commercial properties; Sandbanks hotel and Haven hotel which provide employment and improve economy.
Residential properties in high demand – houses costing £10 million.
Tourist attraction - Blue Flag award for water and gently sloping beach for families.
Poole harbour is used by ferries to transport timber, but longshore drift could make harbour clogged and shallow.
Sea levels predicted to rise 0.6m in 100 years. This would breach peninsula at its lowest point and block it from the mainland.
If no action is taken, £18million in damage to residences in 20 years.
Sandbanks - management strategies
Rock groynes to maintain a deep and wide beach. It restricts sediment entering harbour and reduces erosion by what would be 1.6m/year.
Beach recharge: sand is dredged from offshore and is sprayed onto beach by ‘rainbowing’, increasing sediment budget.
However, dredging sediment and dumping it just offshore, where natural currents will transport it onshore and build up beach, is much cheaper (£3/m3).