Coastal Management Zone Flashcards
Chapter 12
Coastal Zone Management Act
to promote economic and social improvement of the citizens of SC and to encourage development of coastal resources with due consideration for the environment within a framework designed to protect the sensitive and fragile areas from inappropriate development
Coast Zone Management Act Cont’d
To provide adequate environmental safe zones ; to protect, preserve and restore or enhance the resources of the coastal zone for current and future generations ; to formulate a comprehensive tidelands protection plan and beach erosion and protect plant or sand dunes ; to encourage and assist state agencies, counties, municipalities and regional agencies to exercise their responsibilities to achieve wise use of coastal resources giving full consideration to ecological, cultural and historic values, as well as to the needs for economic as social development and resources conservation
Coastal Zone
all coastal waters and submerged lands seaward to the states boundaries and all lands and water of the coastal counties
8 Coastal Counties in South Carolina
Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Horry, Jasper, Georgetown
Coastal Division
created on July 1, 1994, the SC legislature created this under the Dept of Health and Environmental Control on the Coastal Zone Management Appellate Panel. The purpose is to act as an advisory council to DHEC. It consists of 15 member, either of whom reside in each of the coastal counties and are elected by majority vote of the legislature. The remaining are from the 7 congressional districts and are similarly elected.
Circuit Court of the county
activity affecting coastal land is occurring shall have jurisdiction to enforce and restrain violators of the laws.
First Offense for violations or non-compliance of Coastal Zone Management Act
- Find of not more than %5,000 2. imprisonment for not more than six months 3. both fine and imprisonment
Second and Subsequent offenses
- Fine of not more than $10,000 2. imprisonment for not more than one year
A line running parallel to the shoreline and located at the crest of the primary oceanfront sand dune in that zone
A line established landward of the baseline a distance which is forty times the average annual erosion rate and not less than twenty feet from the baseline for each erosion zone.
Activities allowed seaward of the baseline
- wooden walkways, no larger than 6 feet wide. 2. wooden decks no larger than 140sqft 3. fishing piers open to the public 4. golf courses 5. normal landscaping 6. structures allowed by special permit 7. pools if that are landward of an existing erosion control structure or device. *DHEC permits are required for 2-7
any person who files an application for a permit under the provisions of this chapter
means those lands subject to periodic inundation by tidal and wave action so that no non-littoral vegetation is established
Coastal waters
means the navigable waters of the US subject to the ebb and flood of the tide and which are saline waters, shoreward to their mean high-water mark. Provided that the dept. may designate boundaries which approximate the mean extent of saline waters until such time as the mean extent of saline waters can be determined scientifically
Coastal Zone
all coastal waters and submerged lands seaward to the states jurisdictional limits and all lands and waters in the counties of the State which contain any one or more of the critical areas.
Critical Areas
Coastal Waters, Tidelands, Beaches, Beach/Dune system
means the removal or displacement by any means of soil, sand, gravel, shells or other material whether of intrinsic value or not from any critical area
unusual incident resulting from natural or unnatural causes which endanger the health, safety or resources of the residents of the State, including damages or erosion to any beach or short resulting from a hurricane, storm or other such violent disturbance
Estuarine Sanctuary
means a research area designated as an estuarine sanctuary by the Secretary of Commerce
means either the displacement of saline waters by the depositing into critical areas of soil, sand, gravel, shells or other material or the artificial alteration of water levels or water currents by physical structure, drainage ditches or otherwise
Minor development activities
construction, maintenance, repair, or alteration of any private piers or erosion control structure, the construction of which does not involve dredge activities.
all areas which are at or below mean high tide and coastal wetlands, mudflats, and similar areas that are contagious or adjacent to coastal waters and are an integral part of the estuarine systems involved.
Submerged lands
those river, creek, and oceans bottoms lying below mean low-water mark