Coastal Management Flashcards
Cliff Drainage
Steel barriers and drains put into a cliff to intercept the water movement through the cliff which can cause mass movement.
Cliff Regrading
Restructuring a cliff face to take away the steep gradient, it reduces instability.
Cost, benefit, analysis of the coastal management. Can be used to work out a management techniques worth.
Dune Stabilisation
Planting vegetation reduced the impact of wind and water. Wooden sand fences can help retain sand and other material needed for a healthy sand dune ecosystem.
Environmental Impact Assessment.
A cage filled with rocks, concrete to absorb wave energy.
A low wall or sturdy timber barrier built out into the sea from a beach to check erosion and drifting,
Hard Engineering
Hard engineering options tend to be expensive, short-term options. They may also have a high impact on the landscape or environment and be unsustainable.
Holistic Coastal Management Strategies
Managing the entirety of a coastline (sediment cell).
Integrated Coastal Management.
Process for the management of the coast using an integrated approach, regarding all aspects of the coastal zone, including geographical and political boundaries, in an attempt to achieve sustainability.
Managed Retreat
Allows an area that was not previously exposed to flooding by the sea to become flooded by removing coastal protection.
Offshore Breakwaters
An offshore structure protecting a harbor or beach from the force of waves.
Wooden, steel or concrete fence-like structures that allow sea water and sediment to pass through, but the structures absorb wave energy.
Where rock or other material used to armor shorelines.
Sea Walls
A structure separating land and water areas. Designed to prevent coastal erosion and other damage due to wave action and storm surges, such as flooding. Seawalls are normally very massive structures because they are designed to resist the full force of waves and storm surge.
Soft Engineering
Soft engineering options are often less expensive than hard engineering options.
Shoreline Management Policies
How a stretch of shoreline is most likely to be managed to address flood and/or erosion.
Sustainable Coastal Management
Coastal defences that will protect a shoreline from erosion and coastal processes.