Coastal Environments Flashcards
Definition: Constructive Waves
This wave has a swash that is stronger than the backwash. This therefore builds up the coast.
Definition: Destructive Waves
The wave has a backwash that is stronger than the swash. This therefore erodes the coast.
Definition + Types: Erosion
Types: Attrition, Solution, Abrasion, Hydraulic Action
Description: The break down and transport of rocks - smooth, round and sorted.
Definition: Attrition
(Type of Erosion)
Rocks that bash together to become smoother/smaller.
Definition: Solution
(Type of Erosion)
A chemical reaction that dissolves rocks.
Definition: Abrasion
(Type of Erosion)
Rocks hurled at the base of a cliff to break pieces apart.
Definition: Hydraulic Action
(Type of Erosion)
Water enters cracks in the cliff, air compresses, causing the crack to expand.
Definition + Types: Transportation
Types: Solution, Suspension, Saltation, Traction
Description: A natural process by which eroded material is carried/transported.
Definition: Solution
Minerals dissolve in water and are carried along.
Definition: Suspension
Sediment is carried along in the flow of the water.
Definition: Saltation
Pebbles that bounce along the sea/river bed.
Definition: Traction
Boulders that roll along a river/sea bed by the force of the flowing water.
Describe the Formation of Bays and Headlands
1) Waves attack the coastline.
2) Softer rock is eroded by the sea quicker forming a bay.
3) More resistant rock is left jutting out into the sea. This is a headland and is now more vulnerable to erosion.
Definition: Mass Movement
A large movement of soil and rock debris that moves down slopes in response to the pull of gravity in a vertical direction.
Definition: Deposition
When the sea or river loses energy, it drops the sand, rock particles and pebbles it has been carrying. This is called deposition.