coastal environments Flashcards
What is abrasion?
when material being transported wears away at a surface over time. carried by rivers glaciers the sea and wind
What is an arch?
a coastal feature formed by the meeting of two caves cut into either side of headland
What is attrition?
the gradual wearing down of particles by erosion as they collide with each other, making them smaller and rounder
What is backwash?
water from a breaking wave which flows under gravity down a beach and returns to the sea
What is a Bar?
a ridge like accumulation of coastal sediment exposed at low tide
What is a bay?
a wide coastal inlet that is open to the sea
What is beach replenishment?
dredging or pumping sand and shingle from the seabed to replace material that has been erode from a beach
What is a beach?
an accumulation of coastal sediment most often occurring in sheltered areas along the coast
What is berm?
a ridge of sand or shingle towards the top of the beach with a steep seaward slope
What is a cave?
a hollow cut by the sea into the base of a cliff
What is cliff regrading?
the deliberate lowering of an angle of a cliff face to make it safer and reduce landslides or collapse
What is a cliff?
a steep rock slope usually facing the sea
What is coastal cell?
a segment of coastline which is self contained in terms of the movement of sand and shingle
What is coastal management
looking after the coast and resolving any conflicts between users of the coast
What is a coastline?
the actual border between the land and the sea
What is a concordant coast?
a coastline created when alternating soft rock and hard rock occur one after another parallel to the sea and eroded at different rates
What is corrosion?
the chemical erosion of rock over surfaces