Co-Ownership Flashcards
Chun v Ho (JT statutory restriction)
Statute (s12-13 TOLATA) can restrict a JT’s use of the land without destroying unity of possession
Gould v Kemp
The right to survivorship in joint tenancy takes precedence over any will, even if explicitly leaving a share
Antoniades v Villiers
Unity of interest - JTs may sign physically different documents and there still be unity, as long as what those documents represents is the nature of a JT then it would be a pretence to find otherwise - matter not form
Goodman v Gallant
Where a conveyance expressly stipulates that it is a JT or TIC then that will usually be conclusive as to the nature of the equitable title - this will also usually prevent any later events changing it like resulting or constructive trusts, unless it would be inequitable to disallow it - NB this only applies to the parties of the declaration
Clarke v Meadus
A written declaration can be departed from but only where the conduct of one of the parties amounts to an estoppel - quite rare -
Carlton v Goodman
The parties are only bound where the written declaration expressly refers to the equitable interests - here there was no equitable interests stipulated and even though there were two legal owners, the equitable ownership resided solely in one legal owner, meaning legal ownership of a property does not guarantee a share of equitable title
Jones v Kernott (JT presumption)
Rebuttal of the presumption of JT at equity where not expressly stipulated by circumstances e.g. hardship of right of survivorship or other intentions to the contrary
Lake v Craddock
The provision of unequal monetary shares in land can rebut the presumption and establish a lack of unity of interest
Jones v Kernott
Stack v Dowden
(Equity follows the law)
This has made the area of ‘equity follows the law’ where there is a lack of express declaration of equitable interest much more difficult as the courts are clearly prepared to infer interests and quantify such interests from ‘exceptional’ circumstances
Holman v Howes
An application for order of sale under s14 can be refused or postponed -
Harris v Harris
The need for a matrimonial home, accommodation for co-owners, etc. will action a refusal or postponement of an order of sale under s14
Edwards v Lloyds TSB
The need for a home for a minor will mean that an order of sale can be postponed so that children can have a home even if there is a mortgagee
Also, a creditor will not be kept from their money even if a homes is lost for the non-consenting co-owners
Banker’s Trust v Namdar
A sale of land will not be ordered as unequivocally as before - turns on who is requesting the sale - things like no children, it not being a home (investment), etc. will see a sale likely to be ordered
Finch v Hall, Chun v Ho
Children, non-desperate financial need, agreement between co-owners to not sell unless consent i.e. in the trust instrument or even informally - will all resist an order of sale but not necessarily
Mortgage Corporation v Shaire
It seems that the case law is inconsistent RE order of sale and creditors - even though creditors should not normally be kept from their money -
Everitt v Budhram
Where an application is made under s14 by a trustee in bankruptcy all considerations are taken into account of both sides except the needs of the bankrupt
Harrington v Bennett
After 1 year of bankruptcy, the interests of the creditors outweigh those of the innocent co-owners unless the circumstances are exceptional - before that the sale may well be delayed for arrangements to be made
Barca v Mears
A sale will only be delayed after the 1 year grace period in truly exceptional circumstances such as a serious/terminal illness, here the child was disabled and that was insufficient, they also said that the request of the trustee in bankruptcy will almost always overwhelm - NB Art 8
Dean v Stout (Lawrence Collins J) Re Citro Barca v Mears Pinnock -- commentary per s335A IA
- exceptional circumstances do not automatically debar a sale
- ‘exceptional must be outside of melancholy and usual debt’
- NB Art 8 issues, however, if near automatic
- however, didn’t seem to make a difference even though they said Art 8 was a defence
City of London Building Society v Flegg (overreaching)
A purchaser who buys from two or more legal owners takes the land free of rights of the equitable owners, whose rights are transferred to the proceeds of sale