CNS Infections Flashcards
Most common causes of meningitis
- Bacterial (acute bacterial meningitis)
- Viral (aseptic meningitis)
Most common pathogens of ABM
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Haeomphilus influenza type B
- Group B Streptococcus
- Listeria monocytogenes
Most common causes of viral meningitis
- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
Aseptic bacterial pathogens that cause meningitis
- M. tuberculosis
- Lyme*
- Trepenoma
- Ehrlichia
Drug-induced causes of non-infectious meningitis
- Bactrim
- Ciprofloxacin
- Flagyl
- Amoxicillin, penicillin
- Keflex
- Ranitidine
- Carbamazepine
2 broad categories of non-infectious causes of meningitis
- Drug-induced
- Systemic
Cardinal sx’s of ABM (4)
- Fever**
- Headache
- Nuchal rigidity
- Altered mental status
2/4 found in almost all ABM cases
What special PE tests would support ABM dx?
Positive Brudzinski and Kernig’s signs
33% ABM pts present with dysfunction in these CNs
How does aseptic meningitis differ from ABM?
More benign course, self-limited → symptomatic support
Risk factors for meningitis
- Age >50
- URI, otitis media, sinusitis, mastoiditis
- Head trauma, neurosurgery
- Crowded living conditions
- Immunocompromised
- Antivacciners
Labs for ABM
- WBCs
- Glucose
- Protein
- WBC’s elevated w/ neutrophilic shift
- Decreased glucose
- Elevated protein
Labs for viral meningitis
- WBCs
- Glucose
- Protein
- WBC’s elevated, lymphocytic
- Glucose normal
- Protein elevated
Labs for fungal meningitis
- WBCs
- Glucose
- Protein
- WBCs elevated, lymphocytic
- Glucose normal to decreased
- Protein elevated
Labs for tuberculosis meningitis
- WBCs
- Glucose
- Protein
- WBCs elevated, lymphocytic
- Glucose decreased
- Protein elevated
Lactate _____ is associated with mortality in meningitis
> 4
When should blood cx be obtained for meningitis?
Definitive test for diagnosing meningitis
Lumbar puncture
CSF findings in LP for meningitis
- Elevated opening pressure (>20mmHg)
- WBC >500 more likely bacterial source, but some do have lymphocytic shift early on
When should head CT be performed when diagnosing meningitis?
Before LP, if concerned for increased ICP
Indications for obtaining head CT before performing LP for meningitis
- Abnormal mental status
- Seizure within 1 week of presentation
- Known CNS disease/lesion
- Focal neuro findings
- Papilledema
- Age >60
When should abx be given to treat meningitis?
BEFORE LP/CT if high suspicion for ABM (still got some time before the CSF becomes affected)
How long do you have to obtain LP after giving abx in suspected ABM?
Within 2-4 hours
Tx meningitis
- Abx (based on age, predisposing condition) if ABM suspicion
- Dexamethasone prior to or with abx**
- Antivirals if suspicious for viral etiology
How should you treat elevated ICP?
Mannitol, mild hyperventilation, neurosurgery consult. Consider hypertonic saline
What should you use to tx ABM in age 16-50?
Vanco + 3rd gen. ceph (e.g. ceftriaxone)
What should you use to tx ABM in age >50?
Vanco + 3rd gen. ceph. + ampicillin
What organisms would you suspect in ABM for age 16-50?
- N. meningitidis
- S. pneumoniae
- H. influenzae