CNS infections Flashcards
what organisms cause meningitis in neonates from exposure during delivery
- E-coli
- Group B strep
what organisms that colonize the nasopharynx (sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis) cause meningitis
- S. pneumo
what organisms are prevelant in crowded conditions that cause meningitis
- N. meningitidis
what organisms cause meningitis after head trauma
- staph
most common pathogens causing meningitis in ages 3 months - 55 years
- S. pneumonia
- H. influenza
- N. meningitides
meningitis causes which results in increased ICP and decreased cerebral perfusion
cerebral edema
classic triad of meningitis
- fever
- nuchal rigitidity
- altered mental status
what tests test for nuchal rigitidy
- kernigs sign
- brudzindki’s sign
- jolt accentuation test
jolt accentuation test
- rotate head quickly back and forth
- positive: headache gets worse
which pathogen which causes meningitis is associated with petechiae and palpable purpura
- N. meningitidis
kernig’s sign
- inability or reluctance to allow full extension of knee when hip is flexed at 90 degrees
Brudzinski’s sign
- spontaneous flexion of hips during attempted passive flexion of neck
diagnostic evaluation of meningitis
- blood cultures x 2 (before abx)
- CT scan?
- LP
- labs
- CBC, cmp, ESR, CRP
what glucose findings in CSF is consistent with bacterial meningitis
- decreased glucose in CSF (< 40)
when should you order a CT scan prior to a LP
- immunocompromised
- hx of CNS dz
- new onset sz
- papilledema
- focal neurological deficit
if mass lesion or evidence of increased ICP is present on CT, there is a risk of when performing LP
cerebral herniation
treatment for meningitis
- do not delay tx
- empiric IV abx immediately after LP
- if LP delayed, begin abx after blood cultures obtained
tx for newborn with meningitis
- ampicillin + cefotaxime
tx for person aged 1 month-50 yrs with meningitis
- third gen cephalosporin (ceftriaxone) + vancomycin
tx for person aged > 50 yrs with meningitis
- ceftriaxone + ampicillin + vancomycin
tx for immunocompromised person with meningitis
- cefepime + ampicillin + vancomycin
why is dexamethasone used as adjuvant in tx of meningitis
- decreases rate of hearing loss and decreases morbidity and mortality
- particularly with pneumococcal meningitis
- initiate before or at same time as abx therapy