CNS I Path - Neoplasia Flashcards
What is the most common type of brain tumor?
METASTASIS resulting from lung and breast
25-50% of tumors in the CNS; appear as clusters “snow storm” on imaging
3 Distinct Syndromes of CNS Tumors
Increased ICP causes non-focal changes in the personality, gait and endocrine function of an affected patient’s brain
If the growth occurs in a high use area like Broca’s or the left occipital lobe there may be specific/focal deficits to help localize tumor
May present with partial or generalized SEIZURES
Why are brain neoplasms so deadly?
HERNIATION!!!!! So benign and malignant classifications don’t mean shit cause this still could result in herniation
Where does herniation occur?
“Choke-points” in the CNS –> Falx-Cerebri, Foramen Magnum, Calvarium (surgically created to relieve pressure), Uncal herniation against the BRAINSTEM (CN III deficits)
Bulging of the optic disc into the vitreous humor of the eye –> another consequence of increased ICP
What are the 3 types of glial cells and thus glial tumors?
ASTROCYTES –> Astrocytomas
OLIGODENDROCYTES –> Oligodendroglioma
EPENDYMAL –> Ependymomas
4 stages of Astrocytomas?
Pilocytic (low grade), Diffuse Low Grade, Anaplastic, Glioblastoma Multiforme (high grade!)
Progression between these is common
Lowest grade
Only one that is considered “non-invasive”
Composed of BIPOLAR CELLS with long “HAIR-LIKE” projections
CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!! Young adults
Cystic or solid growth in the CEREBELLUM with little invasion of the surrounding tissue –> early detection and surgical resection may be CURATIVE
Slowest growing, but INVASIVE still
Appears GRAY, POORLY DEFINED, can be tiny or span the whole hemisphere
Increased GLIAL CELLULARITY, mild pleomorphism, meshwork of thin astrocytic processes
May appear well demarcated, but INVASION BEYOND THE TUMOR MARGINS IS ALWAYS PRESENT (whether you see it or not)
5 year survival is good, because of slow growth
Similar to the diffuse low grade – but with INCREASED CELLULARITY within the tumor, MORE PLEOMORPHISM, and SPORADIC MITOTIC SPINDLES
Hyperintense central masses surrounded by a HYPOintense border (edema)
Highly invasive although appears well-circumscribed
Likely extend far beyond the visual borders
Most aggressive of the astrocytomas
Can arise from the other glial tumors, or de novo
Nasty looking, lots of variation –> some areas FIRM, white; other areas YELLOW and gelatinous (liquefactive necrosis); could also be actively hemorrhaging!
Looks like anaplastic astrocytomas (high cellularity) but it also has REGIONS OF NECROSIS and VASCULAR/ENDOTHELIAL PROLIFERATION! —> alternating areas of dense cellularity and necrosis = PSEUDOPALLISADING
Prognosis of GBM
Most COMMON primary brain tumor –> Tend to present de novo in OLDER patients; mortality is VERY HIGH!!!
25% live longer than 2 years DESPITE surgery, radiation and chemo :(
Mostly palliative care
Also exist low grade (oligodendroglioma) and high grade (anaplastic oligodendroglioma or GBM)
All oligos have preference for WHITE MATTER, and are found PREDOMINANTLY in the cerebral hemispheres
Oligodendromas Gross and Histo
Grossly –> well-circumscribed gray masses composed of CYSTS, CALCIFICATIONS, and FOCAL HEMORRHAGES (sometimes)
Microscopically FRIED EGG APPEARANCE!!!!
Survival is better than astrocytomas (5-10 year survival) –> almost ALL LOW GRADE PROGRESS TO HIGH GRADE
Random 1p and 19q chromosomal deletions have better response to treatment and thus better prognosis
Arise from ependymal cells of the cranial ventricles and spinal cord –> most often found intracranially in CHILDREN (4th ventricle) –> can thus cause HYDROCEPHALUS
Gross – solid or papillary looking masses arising from the floor of the ventricles
Histo –> DENSELY packed with intermittent CANALS (Rosettes); When they form around vessels –> Pseudorosettes!!!
Choroid Plexus Papilloma – tends to occur in children and messes with choroid function and structure –> hydrocephalus following blockade of a ventricular foramen