CNS Examination Flashcards
4 main aspects of the examination
limbs and gait
cranial nerves
level of consciousness and higher functions
parts of the limbs examination x7
observation of gate
limbs and gait examination : upper limb
1. observation
- Scars and Skeletal
deformity - Muscle wasting/
atrophy - Involuntary
movements - Fasciculation
- Tremor
limbs and gait examination : upper limb
2. tone x5
- ask if patient is in any pain
- ask patient to relax arms
- hold hand and elbow and bend elbow
- hold hand and turn hand at wrist
- hold hand and bend wrist
repeat on the other side
“no sign of hyper or hypotonia
types of hypertonia: name for increased tone during fast movements
types of hypertonia: name for increased tone on slow muscle movements
limbs and gait examination : upper limb
3. power x8
- shoulders: put elbows in the air “don’t let me push them down”
- elbows: flex in front of chest “don’t let me push or pull”
- wrists: make a fist and flex “don’t let me stop” flexion of extension
- hands: hold fingers out straight, put my hand across “don’t let me stop” moving fingers up
- intrinsic hands: spread fingers out “don’t let me push them in”
- thumbs- push both sides
- grip-squeeze my fingers
- pronator drift- arms out, palms up close eyes 15s
test both sides
Medical Research Council (MRC) Scale for power
0- No muscle contraction visible
1- Flicker of contraction but no movement
2- Joint movement when effect of gravity eliminated
3- Movement against gravity but not against examiner’s resistance
4- Movement against resistance but weaker than normal
5- Normal power
limbs and gait examination : upper limb
4. coordination x3
- hold arms out- postural tremor or dystonia
- finger nose- “ fast as you can” and move your finger side to side. repeat with other finger
3.Rapid alternating hand movements- hold left hand still and tap fast with right. then alternating flip right hand over. repeat on other side
limbs and gait examination : upper limb
4. reflexes x3
- Biceps: place your thumb or index finger over
the biceps tendon- in bend of arm strike finger - Supinator: place your thumb or index finger
over a point 3-4 cm above the wrist patents hand should be on side
and then strike finger. - Triceps: strike the tendon directly about 2cm above the elbow whilst supporting the weight of the arm
repeat on both sides
limbs and gait examination : upper limb
5. sensation x3
pin prick and cotton will on:
2 down the inner side
3 on the hands
2 on the outer side
vibration sense:
large tuning fork on end of finger
say “as there’s no loss I won’t continue up but if I did I would ensure to place it on bony landmarks such as the radius and olecranon (elbow)”
1. move finger up and down with eye closed. explain and show before
- pronator drift: hold hands out palms up. close eyes and wait
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
1. observation
same as before
- Scars and Skeletal
deformity - Muscle wasting/
atrophy - Involuntary
movements - Fasciculation
- Tremor
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
2. tone x3
ask if in any pain
relax legs
- hip rotation- roll leg about
- hip and knee flexion- pick knee up quickly, if heel stays on tone is normal
- clonus- sharply flex the ankle up and see if theres any repeated beats
repeat on other side
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
3. power x4
- Hip: straight leg raise pushing thigh up against
your hand “keep it there do not let me push it
down”(flexion) and then pushing down against
your hand(extension) - Knee: bend one knee “pull heel towards your
bottom” (flexion) and then to straighten the
knee (extension) “push me away”. - Ankle: pull foot back towards them keeping
their knee straight (dorsiflexion) against your
hand and then push their foot down against
your hand (plantarflexion). -
Extensor Hallux Longus: pull big toe towards
them (keeping leg straight)
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
4. coordination
heel shin test
take the heel of one leg and put it on the knee of the other leg,
then run the heel down their shin towards the ankle
lifting off at the ankle and back to the knee again, and repeat
the movement.
repeat on both legs
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
5. reflexes x3
- Knee reflex: place your left forearm under
one knee and gently lift the leg off the bed
Strike the patellar tendon, just below the lowest point of
the patella. - Ankle reflex: put foot on other foot
hold foot and strike achilles tendon
plantar response:
small, reasonably hard but blunt object (such as the blunt end of a Neurotip).
Stroke the lateral side of the sole of the foot firmly
starting near the heel and working up towards toes
and across the ball of the foot towards the base of
the big toe. toe should curl inwards
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
6. sensation
- pin prick and cotton swab:
top of foot
inner and outer calf
inner and outer thigh - vibration- large tuning fork
on big toe
on sticky out bone of ankle - proprioception
move toe up and down and ask patient
large the small movements - proprioception 2- Romberg’s test
patient to stand feet close together
one arm in front and behind
ask to close eyes
limbs and gait examination: lower limbs
7. gait x4
- normal walking- walk along side
get patient to walk up a hallway, turn on the spot and come back - balance - walk along side
as before but heel to toe - proximal lower limb power
rise from a chair without using their arms - distal limb power you can ask the patient
to walk on their heels and to stand on tip toes.
Rinnes results meaning
air should be better than bone- positive test
if bone is better than air- conductive loss- negative test
Webers result meaning
- sound should be equal
- louder in problem ear = conductive
*louder in good ear = sensorineural
causes of issues with tones
spasticity/hypertonia = upper motor neuron lesion
rigidity = parkinsonism or extra pyrimidal condition
hypotonia = lower motor neuron lesion
upper limb:
nerves to remember for myotomes (power) and dermatomes (sensation)
(same as where pinpricking should happen)
C5- upper, outer arm
C6- lower outer arm, thumb and index finger
C7- middle finger
C8- ring finger and pinky
T1- inner forearm
(T2- small portion of upper inner arm and armpit)
nerves for arm reflexes
- Biceps- C5/6
- Supinator- C6
- Triceps- C7
lower limb:
nerves to remember for myotomes (power) and dermatomes (sensation)
(same as where pinpricking should happen)
L2- upper thigh
L3- middle leg- over knee
L4- backs of calves
L5- shins and top of foot
S1- heel and smallest 2 toes