CNS Flashcards
How should you conduct an H&P for a patient with neurological or musculoskeletal dz?
- Start with general/exclusion questions appropriate to the patient’s risk profile
- If you get a positive response, try to determine real meaning of answer, and ask more specific questions and document response
- Your physical examination should reflect the results of your history taking as well as the standard airway, pulmonary, and cardiac assessments
What are some sample general questions for Neuro and Musculoskelatal patients?
Have you ever had a seizure, stroke, or paralysis?
- Precipitating factors, how long did it last, how was/is it treated (medications, etc.), how often does it occur, residual symptoms
Have you ever been diagnosed as having a tremor or Parkinson’s disease?
- Where is the tremor, how long does it last, how is it treated (medications, etc.), limitations on activities of daily living
Have you ever had numbness, tingling, or “pins-and-needles” in your arm or leg that has lasted more than 2 hours?
- Precipitating factors, how long did it last, how was/is it treated (medications, etc.), how often does it occur, residual symptoms
Have you ever had nerve injury, MS, or any other nervous system disease?
- Precipitating factors, causation?, when was it diagnosed, specific symptoms, how is it treated (medications, etc.), how often does it occur, residual symptoms
Have you ever had migraine headaches?
- Precipitating factors, how long does it last, how is it treated (medications, etc.), how often does it occur, residual symptoms
Have you taken antidepressant, sedative, tranquilizing, anti-seizure, or herbal medications in the last year?
- What medications/herbals were taken and when, how often, last dose? What happens if medications are discontinued suddenly? Does the patient notice any side effects as a result of taking these medications
Have you ever had pains in your joints or low back pain?
- Which joints are affected and what are the precipitating factors (normal range of motion!!!). What makes the pain worse? Does anything relieve the pain?
Have you been working at your usual job or doing your normal activities in the last week, month, year?
- What, when, why?
Have you taken pain pills or had pain shots in the last 6 months?
- What, when ,why? How much? How effective was the treatment? Are their certain agents that work better than others at controlling your pain?
What are the general principles of the anesthetic musculoskeletal assessment?
With the induction of sedation, regional or general anesthesia we take away the normal protective pain reflexes
- Focus on determining range of motion abnormalities & joint integrity (document baseline)
- Maintain natural range of motion for all anesthetic procedures and surgical positioning (document)
What is part of the of the Anesthetic Musculoskeletal assessment?
- Temporomandibular joint
- Cervical spine
- The shoulder girdle
- The shoulder
- The elbow
- The hip
How you assess the Temporomandibular Joint?
- Place tips of index finger just in front of the tragus of ear - ask patient to open mouth.
- Fingertips should drop into joint spaces as mouth opens.
- Check for smooth range of motion, swelling/tenderness.
- Snapping & clicking normal.
- Ask patient to open and close mouth, protrude & retract (jutting the jaw forward), & perform side to side motion.
How do you assess the Cervical Spine?
- Flexion = Touch the chin to the test
- Extension= Look up at the ceiling
- Rotation= Turn the head to each side looking directly over the shoulder
- Lateral Bending = Tilt the head touching ear to shoulder
How do you assess the shoulder girdle?
(adduction, abduction, flexion, extension,
internal & external rotation)
- Abduct the arms to shoulder level.
- Raise arms vertical position above head palms facing each other.
- Place both hands behind the neck with elbows out to the side.
- Place both hands behind the small of the back.
How do you assess the shoulder?
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome- compression of brachial plexus and subclavian vessels near the first rib
- Be certain patient can work or sleep with arms elevated over their head before putting arms beside head (prone positioning)
How do you assess the elbow?
- Ask pt. to bend and straighten elbow (flexion and extension)
- With arms at sides and elbows flexed instruct pt. to turn palms up (supination) and palms down (pronation)
How do you assess the hip?
- Concentrate on ROM that can impact positioning
- Flexion – supine pt. bends each knee to chest/abdomen
- Abduction – supine pt. stabilize anterior superior iliac spine and abduct the extended leg until the iliac spine moves = limit!
What is part of the nervous system assessment?
- Mental status
- Speech
- Cranial nerves
- Gait
- Motor function
- Sensory function
What are the components of the cranial nerve assessment?
- I = Olfactory (smell)
- II = Optic (sight – confrontation test; pupillary reaction to light)
- III = Oculomotor (pupillary reaction to light; extraoccular movements)
- IV = Trochlear (extraoccular movements)
- VI = Abducens (extraoccular movements)
- V= Trigeminal
- Ask the patient to clench his/her teeth as you palpate temporal and massetter muscles
- Check sensation in areas circled to the right
- Corneal reflex (cotton ball)
- VII – Facial
- Ask patient to:
- Raise both eyebrows
- Frown
- Close eyes tightly so you can’t open them
- Show teeth
- Smile
- Puff out both cheeks
- VIII – Acoustic (hearing)
- IX –Glossopharyngeal and X – Vagus (voice hoarseness?, gag reflex, AHH- palate should rise symmetrically)
- XII – Hypoglossal (tongue movement, ask them to move tongue side to side)
- XI = Spinal Accessory
- ask pt. to turn head to each side against your hand
- Ask patient to shrug both shoulders upward against your hand – trapezii strength
How do you assess muscle strength?
How do you Grade muscle strength?
What Spine level are some muscle movements?
Test flexion and extension and compare symmetry
Grade on 0-5 scale
- No muscular contraction detected
- Barely detectable
- Active movement with gravity eliminated
- Active movement against gravity
- Active movement against gravity with some resistance
- Active movement against gravity with full resistance
- Elbow flexion (C5, C6), extension (C6, C7, C8)
- Grip (C7, C8, T1)
- Finger Abduction (C8, T1, ulnar nerve)
- Opposition of the thumb (C8, T1, median nerve)
- Hip Flexion & Adduction (L2, L3, L4)
- Hip Abduction (L4, L5, S1)
- Hip Extension (S1)
- Knee Extension (L2, L3, L4)
- Knee Flexion (L4, L5, S1, S2)
- Dorsiflexion (L4, L5)
- Plantar Flexion (S1)
How do you assess a patient with a head injury?
Glasgow Coma Scale – defines neurologic function impairment
- Eyes open - Never(1)-spontaneous (4)
- Best Verbal Response None (1) – oriented (5)
- Best Motor Response None (1) - obeys commands (6)
Mortality closely related to initial score
Scores 8 or less considered severe (coma)- will require intubation and controlled ventilation for ICP & airway control
What are the anesthetic related implications with steroids?
What are 2 possible steroid reigimen?
- Suppression or disease of the pituitary-adrenal axis will prevent the patient from responding to the stress of surgery appropriately
- Any patient who has received cotricosteroid therapy (suppression of pituitary-adrenal axis) for at least a month in the past 6-12 months needs supplementation
2 possible regimens
- 100mg Hydrocortisone pre-op, intra-op and post-op
- 25 mg Hydrocortisone pre-op + 100mg IV gtt over 12-24 hours
What are the anesthetic related implications for Monoamine oxidase inhibitor?
- Inhibit the degradation of monoamines increasing the serotonin and norepinephrine available at presynaptic nerve terminal for uptake and storage.
- Life-threatening interactions can occur with consumption of foods containing tyramine and with EPHEDRINE and MEPERIDINE
- Watch for the following drugs:
- Iproniazid, phenelzine, isocarboxazid, moclobemide, befloxatone, brofaromine, selegiline
What are the anesthetic related implications with Methotrexate?
- Used in MS, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Immuno-suppression, anemia, thrombocytopenia, pulmonary toxicity, renal, and hepatic toxicity
- Chemistry Panel
- Consider PFTs and LFTs if history warrants
What are the key pre-operative assessment consideration and concerns with Multiple Sclerosis?
•These patients are generally on immunosuppressive medications
- Any recent history of illness or infection?
- Take extra care with infection prevention
- Which medications are they taking and how often?
- Steroids in the past year????
- Remission and exacerbation intervals
- Severity and nature of symptoms
- Respiratory status
- Previous triggers
•Disease Modifying Therapy (Immunomodulators) all increase the risk of infection
- Interferon B (flu like symptoms, hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression, depression)
- Dimethyl Fumarate(GI discomfort, infections)
- Glatiramer Acetate (well tolerated)
- Natalizumab (Leukoencephalopathy, hepatotoxicity)
- Fingolomid (bradycardia, hepatotoxicity)
- Teriflunomide (neutropenia, hepatoxicity)
•Immunosuppressant Drugs
- Corticosteroids (exacerbations)
- Mitoxantrone – (severe myelosuppression and cardiac toxicity- reduced EF – heart failure)
•Symptom management
- Bladder dysfunction (alpha antagonists, anticholinergics VS bethanechol)
- Fatigue and depression (antidepressants, methylphenidate)
- Cognitive dysfunction (cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine)
- Neuropathic pain
- Spasticity (baclofen)
- Paralysis (assess for motor strength)
- Sensory disturbances (assess along dermatomes)
- Autonomic disturbances (resting heart rate, orthostatic hypotension)
- Visual impairment (cranial nerve check)
- Seizures (medications)
- Emotional Disturbances
•Counsel Patient regarding increased relapse incidence with surgery
What are the key pre-operative assessment considerations and concerns for Guillain Barre?
•Document the time course of the disease
- Precipitating factors
- Onset of symptoms
- Disease Progression (worsening, stable, improving)
•Document the severity and current state of symptoms
- Facial paralysis – bulbar involvement (what other concerns might you have here????)
- Difficulty swallowing – pharyngeal muscle weakness
- Impaired ventilation – current ventilatory support required (vent settings)
- Decreased deep tendon reflexes– lower motor nerves
- Extremity paresthesias
- Pain – headache, backache, muscle tenderness + note medications helpful for controlling pain
- Review ICU flow sheets for vital signs trends
- Inquire w/nurse/patient regarding tolerance of position changes
- ECG, any recent arrhythmias?
- Vasoactive medication history for hypertension and hypotension (ex. vasopressors, B-Blockers)
What are the key pre-operative assessment considerations and concerns Parkinson’s Dz?
- Age of diagnosis, recent exacerbations and hospitalizations
- Current and past symptoms (ex. oculogyric crisis, when? How long did it last? What helped?)
- ANS symptoms (orthostatic BPs)
- History of Pergolide therapy?
- Temp regulation issues?
- Pulmonary status optimized?
- Dysphagia and/or dyspnea
- Pulmonary infection
•Continue current medication regimen and note side effects
- Levodopa -what happens if the patient misses a dose?
- Anticholinergics and MAO’s?
- Note the natural range of motion for positioning
- Deactivate deep brain stimulators before electrocautery
What are the key pre-operative assessment considerations and concerns of Intervertebral Disc Herniation/LBP?
- Natural ROM for positioning and laryngoscopy
- Baseline motor strength & sensation in applicable areas
- Medication regimen (ex. Patient on high dose opioids), what drugs improve the pain, what has been ineffective?
- Consider potential for operative blood loss
- Type and Cross
What are the key pre-operative assessment considerations and concerns of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
- Evaluate for co-existing vasculitis, aortitis, aortic insufficiency, pulmonary fibrosis
- Evaluate for severity of kyphosis (difficult airway)
- SpO2, ECG, Echo, chest Xray, PFTs
- CBC, BUN, and creatinine
- Discontinue NSAIDs at least 2 day preop
- May have positioning challenges
What are the key pre-operative assessment considerations and concerns of Spinal Cord Injury?
- Determine level of lesion
- Acute or Chronic?
- Acute
- Fluid and Blood Status
- CBC, Type and Cross, Chem 7
- ECG/ Chest X-ray
- Vasopressor requirement?
- Ventilatory support (current vent settings)?
- Associated injuries?
- Fluid and Blood Status
- Chronic
- History of autonomic dysreflexia? What initiated it?
- Old OR/ICU records helpful – response to vasopressors, tracheal suctioning
- Ventilatory reserve – level of lesion
- Assessment of skin integrity
- Positioning – note normal range of motion
What should you consider as part of the cerebrovascular dz guideline?
History of recent TIA or CVA increase the risk of peri-operative stroke
- Optimal time for subsequent elective surgery after stroke is controversial
- Ensure optimization has occurred
- Emboli - PFO corrected?
- Atrial fibrillation 1-3 months anticoagulation therapy
- Carotid bruit noted on exam?
- Ask patient about TIA symptoms (be aggressive w/ questioning!)
- Consider carotid doppler ultrasound study - refer vascular surgeon
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of CVA, Head Injury, Intracranial Tumor?
- Mechanism of injury or illness
- Location, size, and time course of lesion
- CT or MRI report (secondary edema, hydrocephalus?)
- Level of consciousness
- ICP status (current symptoms of headache, nausea and vomiting, bradycardia, hypertension, etc.)
- Evaluate cardiovascular status
- Consider cranial nerve assessment
- Consider muscle strength and sensation assessment
- Review current medications and treatments
- Endocrine status (pituitary tumors)
- Fluid status
- Type and Cross
- Electrolyte panel
- +/- Echo
- Review current ventilatory status (vent settings and ABG results; CXR)?
- Note baseline vital signs and set BP parameters
- Continue current mediations
- Steroids or anticonvulsants for example
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Seizure Disorder?
- Type of seizure activity; typical length, frequency, severity, & recovery period
- Precipitating/causative factors (ETOH withdrawal, brain tumor)
- Hx of status epilepticus (how long did it last, how was it treated, were treatments effective)
- Pharmacologic Therapy
- Testing directed based on medications - CBC, plt, electrolyte panel common
- Routine levels of anticonvulsants unnecessary in patients with good seizure control
- Cancel elective surgery until seizure disorder optimized by neurologist
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?
Ask the patient about exercise tolerance!!!
Physical Examinations and Lab Test?
- Note natural range of motion (arthritis)
- Note neuromuscular strength, cranial and peripheral neuropathies
- Note mentation (CNS involvement)
- Fluid and electrolyte status – Chemistry Panel
- Hematologic – CBC, PT/PTT and INR
- Skin – note existing rashes (not to be confused with allergic reactions peri-op)
- Distal extremities- Raynaud’s common - pulse ox readings difficult
- Renal Function – glomerulonephritis, proteinuria, albumin level, chemistry panel
- Cardiac status – Echo, cardiac consult, pericarditis? Conduction abnormalities?, CHF, valvular dysfunction?
- Pulmonary status – pulmonary function tests (restrictive pattern)
- Gastrointestinal – prone to nausea and vomiting?
- Note dose amount, frequency, timing of last dose, side effects, etc.
- Drugs that affect coagulation status
- Ibuprofen
- Indomethacin
- Cox-2 Inhibitors
- DVT preventative therapy
- Immunosuppressive therapy
- Steroids
- Optimized by PCP or rheumatologist?
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
- Focus areas: airway neurologic, pulmonary, CV
- Note Natural Range of Motion
- TMJ – limited mouth opening
- Atlanto-axial joint – lateral neck radiograph or MRI
- Cricoarytenoid arthritis – hoarseness, pain on swallowing, dyspnea, stridor, laryngeal tenderness
- Individualized airway plan based on findings
- Dyspnea is often a sign of cardiac ischemia in this population
- PFTS and ABG if suspect lung involvement (restrictive pattern)
- ECHO, ECG (cardiac conduction) especially if cardiac involvement suspected
- Consider effect of medications: ASA, NSAIDS, methotrexate, immunosuppressive drugs and steroids
- Balance preference to continue meds with anti-coagulation and immunosuppressive characteristics
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Osteoarthritis?
- Note Natural Range of Motion – focus on key problem areas
- Medications for pain relief, what works, what does not work, last dose, etc.
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Myasthenia Gravis?
History Taking:
- Note degree of skeletal muscle weakness, progression of the disease
- Note medication history
- Cholinesterase inhibitors
- Steroids
- Immunosuppressive therapy
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Muscular Dystrophy?
- Note progression of the disease, natural range of motion, muscle strength
- Delayed gastric motility
- Ventilatory status (PFT, cough strength)
- Cardiac – ECG, perhaps ECHO
What are the key preoperative assessment considerations and concerns of Myasthenic Syndrome, Marfan Syndrome, and Ankylosing Spondylitis?
- Myasthenic Syndrome = Note degree of skeletal muscle weakness and progression of the disease, medications
- Marfan Syndrome = cardiopulmonary assessment – ECHO (valve assessment), TMJ at risk, high PTX risk
- Ankylosing Spondylitis= ROM joints (esp. sacroiliac), pain mgt. hx., ECG (cardiac conduction), PFT (fibrosis), medications (NSAIDS, methotrexate, etc.)